
:rolleyes: Is that something like; 'Cognito ergo sum?' Or, maybe, 'The little red engine that could!'

Kind' a reminds me of the old adage; 'Here, hold my beer and watch this!' :D
Pilgrim, I know very little about NLP. Mainly what I picked up years ago from skimming through some Tony Robbins stuff. From what I recall, it is about changing your mindset.

In that sense, I guess it is used some in self defense firearms training. The really good classes teach you how to change your thinking, and your awareness of your surroundings in order to better survive a lethal confrontation.

If you are talking about just the mechanics of shooting in general, not that I know of. Although Brian Enos does mix some zen like stuff into his book.
The latest issue of Concealed Carry Magazine had an article entitled "Psychological Preparedness for Combat Survival" by Bruce N. Eimer, Ph.D. The article said to repeat the sentence "I am NOT going to EFFING DIE TODAY!!!" like a mantra when under the stress of fighting for your life.