NJ "Mischief Day" Shoot, October 30th....


New member
Get into a little mischief with the NJCSD!!!

The NJCSD will be hosting another SHOOTOUT on Saturday, October 30th rain / shine!

It will be held at the Buckeye Gun Club. MapQuest.com it for directions from your location:

501 Route 72
Barnegat, NJ
08005-1012, US

Some of the events will be:

ROPE SHOOT (Shoot the rope in half, make the log drop.)

PIN SHOOT (Can you clear your pins before your opponents do?)

CLAY PIGEON SHOOT (Shoot the clays from the furthest distance.)

SELF-DEFENSE SCENERIO (How do you react under pressure?)

FOR THE FIRST TIME we will introduce at least 2 rifle events. Rifles are not to be above the caliber 30-06 but higher than .22 calibers.

$20.00 all you can eat. (This is a fund raising event)
$5.00 each event.

Sign in starts at 9:00am. Shooting starts at 10:00am.

Ask anyone who went to our past shoots about the fun and friendships made. Bring at least four (4) boxes of whatever handgun ammo you are shooting, three mags, mag holder, holster if you have one, PLUS rifle ammo if your going to compete in those events. Pistol caliber is to be .380 or above.


Make sure what you bring is “Jersey legal”.
Transport firearms unloaded. Case them and ammo separately. Lock both if you can. Transport them in the trunk. No magazines that can hold over 15 rounds. Come directly to the range from your location. When leaving, go directly home. (Yea, Jersey law sucks. NJCSD will be working on it)

Go to www.njcsd.org , click on “General Interest” then click on “October 30th NJCSD shoot” for any updates.


Contact me at vicepresident@njcsd.org if you are able to attend so I can get a good head count.

Any questions? Feel free to ask!

Ray Woodrow 3rd
Rifle Targets

Here is what I am thinking about for the rifle shoots guys. I think you will like it................

1) Load with 10 rounds

From 50 yards you will start to walk continuously and engage 5 targets from 50 yards to 30 yards while traversing the range at a 45 degree angle. 2 shots for each target.

2) Load with 10 rounds

From 50 yards you will walk straight towards your target and engage 5 targets while in motion. Once you reach the 30-yard line your done whether you shot all 10 or not.

3) Load with 15 rounds

From 20 yards you will walk backwards while engaging a man-sized target for scoring.
You will shoot 5 while on the move starting at 20 yards, shoot 5 while on the move once you cross 30 yards, and the remaining 5 before you cross 40 yards.

4) Load with 15 rounds

From 50 yards you will shoot 5 rounds in the standing, 5 rounds in the kneeling, and 5 rounds in the prone for score.

Did I mention that you would do 60 seconds of jumping jacks OR RUNNING IN PLACE before each event so that you’re pumped up?

Targets will be 5 in total for sets 1 & 2.
(clay target, bowling pin, clay target, bowling pin, clay target)

Clays will be chest high (orange in color) while the pins will be on the ground setting on a railroad tie.

This is not a timed event as "SAFETY" is a must and a timer would make things difficult because you would rush.
Your timer will be your walking to a designated point. You will always be in motion while shooting except for the last rifle event.

Events 3 & 4 targets will be "B" man size targets(I think B-28's in blue) shooting for best score.

Check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please go to our site at www.njcsd.org and state if you are showing up. I need a good head count.
Contact me at vicepresident@njcsd.org for any info you may need.


Here is the line up for the NJCSD "Mischief Day" shoot.

The New Jersey Coalition For Self Defense
“Mischief Day Shoot”
Saturday, October 30, 2004

6 Individuals start at the 20-yard line with 6 rounds in their pistols. Each person has a log suspended in the air in front of him or her. At the sound of the whistle or the command to fire, they are to try and shoot the rope in half causing the log to fall. If at the 20-yard line nobody cuts the rope, at the command of the instructor, the people will reload 6 rounds and advance to the 15-yard line. They are to commence firing once the command is given. If nobody cuts it in half at the 15-yard line, they are to, at the command of the instructor, reload 6 rounds and advance to the 10-yard line and repeat the steps above. Once at the 5-yard line, the people will shoot 6 more rounds, when given the command, and at the command of the instructor, reload 6 rounds and repeat staying at the 5-yard line until someone shoots the rope in half. The winners will advance to the finals once everybody has gone through a relay.

6 Individuals start and stay at the 20-yard line with 6 rounds in their pistols. Each person has 5 clay targets in front of him or her. At the sound of the whistle or the command to fire, they are to try and shoot the clays until they shatter on impact and fall completely off of the nail holding it. If nobody knocks all 5 off the nails holding them, they will, at the command of the instructor, reload 6 rounds while staying at 20 yards and fire to knock the remaining clays off their holders. The winners will advance to the finals once everybody has gone through a relay.

4 Individuals start and stay at the 20-yard line with 6 rounds in their pistols. Each person has 4 bowling pins in front of him or her. At the sound of the whistle or the command to fire, they are to try and shoot the pins off of the railroad ties until they fall completely off of the railroad tie it is set up on. If nobody knocks all 4 off they will, at the command of the instructor, reload 6 rounds while staying at 20 yards and fire to knock the remaining pins off the railroad tie. The winners will advance to the finals once everybody has gone through a relay.

Individually, a shooter will load their firearm with 6 rounds, holster the firearm, have a reload of 6 rounds in a magazine or a speed loader and approach the instructor on the range. From 2 yards, at the command of the instructor, the shooter will draw and engage the target (B-28 blue) man-sized target in front of him or her firing 3 rounds from the hip into the target. After firing 3 rounds, the shooter will still face the target and safely retreat to a barrier behind them firing 3 more rounds while on the move. Once behind the barrier, you find out that your “good arm” has been disabled, cannot move and can only hold things but not bend. Reload 6 rounds, via speed loader or magazine, with your “good arm” disabled and fire 3 more rounds at your target behind cover and three more while retreating to the end of the course.

1) Load with 10 rounds. From 50 yards, you will start to walk continuously and engage 5 targets (clay/bowling pin) from 50 yards to 30 yards while traversing the range at a 45-degree angle giving you 2 shots for each target.

2) Load with 10 rounds. From 50 yards, you will walk straight towards your target and engage 5 targets while in motion. Once you reach the 30-yard line at the berm you are done whether you shot all 10 rounds or not.

3) Load with 5 rounds. From 20 yards you will walk backwards while engaging a (B-28 blue) man-sized target for scoring. You will shoot 5 while on the move starting at 20 yards, change up with a magazine loaded with 10 rounds, shoot 5 while on the move once you cross 30 yards, and the remaining 5 before you cross 40 yards.

4) Load with 15 rounds. From 50 yards you will shoot a (B-28 blue) man-sized target for scoring, 5 rounds in the prone, 5 rounds in the kneeling, and 5 rounds in the standing for score.

Did I mention that you will do 60 seconds of jumping/running in place before each rifle event AND the self-Defense Shoot so that you’re pumped?……………… I didn’t think so.
The October 30th shoot shall go on...........


A little rain never hurt anybody and we have a full sized club for you to stay sheltered from the rain when your not shooting...........



At 10:01am the front door will be closed and late comers will have to come around to the left of the building and enter at the rear door to register. A sign will be on the front door stating that.


I hope you all had a great shoot.

It ended up we had a GREAT day at the PA shoot.

All the best to all you gents and ladies over thataway. :D
I must echo Jody's well-wishes. I hope you guys in NJ had as much fun as we did in PA.
Post some pics when you're able.
I heard that the next Governor of New Jersey was there. Look for some of us at the next NJ Shoot. Maybe future PA and NJ Governors will be there.