NJ Laws


So I'm from NJ but am currently stationed in NC where I just recently got into guns. I planned on visiting home and bringing my mosin with me. What crazyness would happen if I got pulled over with the rifle and can I take my dad firing with me even though he does not have FID or whatever they use there? Also if I wanted to buy my dad a rifle for his birthday (Probably a mosin since its NJ legal) how would I go about doing that? Thanks for the help guys!
New Jersey allows you to transport a gun through the state if your destination is elsewhere. Residents may transport a gun within the state if they're on their way to a shooting range or hunting land.

To possess a firearm in the state, you have to get a firearms ID card (FID). If you're buying one as a gift for your father, your best bet would be to have it shipped to a dealer in New Jersey, and he can pick it up there.
OK first off, you don't have to have FID card to have a rifle in NJ. It's a purchasers ID, not a permit to own. That's reserved for handguns, and even then you can legally bring it with you if you move into the state and still not have to have the FID. (as long as it's NJ legal that is) The problem you run into is a lot of the cops and DA's don't get that so you might have to spend a few days in jail until it's sorted out.

Here are the rules.

Whoa....hold the phone.

In NJ, a transferee of any firearm (rifle, shotgun handgun) must have a FOID card. I don't think he'll need one to shoot yours at a range. It is a felony to transfer a gun to someone who doesn't have a FOID card, and a felony to receive a gun without one. Don't pass GO, don't collect $200. Go directly to jail. Period.

To purchase a handgun, in addition to first having a FOID card, you need a handgun purchase permit.

I do not know about residents of other states bringing firearms into NJ, other than moving here and bringing guns with you, or bringing them for sanctioned events. Don't do it until you checked it out.