Nj help !!

New Jersey: Governor to Sign One-Gun-A-Month Bill Tomorrow

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Please Contact Governor Corzine Immediately!

Tomorrow 8/6/2009 at 12:00 P.M., Governor Jon Corzine (D-NJ) will sign Assembly Bill 339/Senate Bill 1774 into law. The signing will take place at Trenton City Hall located at 319 East State Street in Trenton.

Simply stated, this bill would prohibit an individual from purchasing more than one handgun within a 30-day period. The state already requires an individual to first obtain a permit to purchase – a process which includes an extensive criminal background check and a minimum of 30 days to complete. This bill is just another step that anti-gun legislators are trying to take to erode our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

This legislation gives anti-gun extremists carte blanche to further hinder your right to purchase firearms. Next it could be one rifle or shotgun per 30-day period or even one handgun per six months or year.

Please contact Governor Corzine IMMEDIATELY and respectfully urge him not to sign A339/S1774. Also, please remind the Governor that you will remember his decision in November. The Governor can be reached by phone at (609) 292-6000 or visit www.state.nj.us/governor/about/contact/ to send email.
I'm ready to move out to a free state right about now...
My best friend lives in 'jersey. EVERY time he comes down to Virginia to visit we go out to the range and he marvels at how free we are (with regards to firearms) yet I can NOT get him to leave Jersey and move down to the "old dominion".

Seriously, what the heck is the attraction that makes liberty minded folks stay in New Jersey?
Isn't it interesting (and very sad) that those States, who's political machines are generally regarded as the most corrupt and dishonest, have the most draconian gun prohibition statutes? (Rhetorical question.)

IMHO, this is a basic fact that we all must consistently mention and drive home to all of those people who do not think much about the 2nd Amendment and what it really means.

New Jersey, by far one of the most corrupt governmental systems in the U.S.A., would ban all privately owned firearms if MANY of their political officials had their way IMHO.

Interesting isn't it? :mad:

ETA: In Michigan, where I live, you'll find the most anti-gun politicians in Detroit. And we all know how dishonest and corrupt the Detroit political machine is. Once again, interesting isn't it?
Everyone should pay attention to situations like this because this is what CAN happen if folks get lazy and sit on their hands. Let this serve as an unfortunate example. :mad: Politicians must feel the grassroots.