NJ Class III Walkthrough


New member
Hello, would anyone be able to walk me through the process of obtaining a class III license in NJ to buy a transferable automatic? I've been thinking about an M16 for a while, and you only live once. :D
In NJ you can only own any of the NFA type weapons (but not a suppressor, they are completely illegal even for Class 3 dealers) by the order of a judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey. The law reads that you must be able to show that the PUBLIC INTEREST is served by you posessing a machine gun.

Good Luck on that.... let us know how it works out for you. To date there has never been a state license issued to anyone.

As far as doing it as a dealer (FFL with Class 3), you need the federal license, and to get that you need to first get the NJ state firearms retail license, which means you need a store, a full time business, and then "maybe" they will issue the NJ license. Maybe not though. All depends on how they feel.

Bottom line, again: Good Luck.

Now, you CAN form a trust in Pennsylvania, let that trust own the gun, store it securely in PA (pay a gunshop to let you keep a vault there that only you have the key to), and visit there to shoot it. You can then take it into other states to shoot there, and enjoy it. Put it back in the safe before you come back to NJ. Perfectly legal.

Or do what I did and move. You'll be glad you did


Convince a NJ judge that it is in the public interest I be allowed to have a machine gun....good luck is right haha
Silencers are prima-facia contraband in NJ. NOBODY gets to own them. Not even a federally licensed manufacturer could have them.

Unsure about SBR's though. Need to look in the NJ statutes.
Never thought about it when I lived there. They are online.. google them!


You want a super-killer-assassin gun in a state that won't even trust you with a bayonet mount?

I lived there for two years and I can't believe some of the restrictions there.
Yea, a plain old M1 carbine is illegal here. Why? Because they said so. They don't need reasons in the PRNJ.

Law abiding citizens carry a gun for their own protectioin? Not a good enough reason.

Wanna shoot hollow points? better hope one doesn't get accidently left in your truck or pocket.

Collapsable stock on a gun with a removal mag? forget that. Pin your collapsable stock in the fully collapsed position? Sure why not.

F this state. If I didn't love where I live so much and have family around I would be LOOOOOOONG gone from this hell hole.
and.... once you are denied, you must on all future pistol permit purchase applications write that you were denied a firearm permit, and then explain why. perfect reason for the PD to deny all future permits. You are NOT living in the USA, you are living in NJ. 2nd amendment doesnt apply.
In NJ the only Class 3 you can theoretically have is a machine gun. All other Class 3 is is illegal and no permit exists for them. I wonder if you can have an SBR machine gun? But everyone above is right you won't realistically get the permit.
You want a machine gun but live in NJ. You can always visit one of the free states and probably rent one at a range. I think nearby PA might have some places. While you are there, you might want to buy a local newspaper and check out some apartments or houses. Then find out about renting a moving truck....That is the answer...
NJ residents just need to form a NFA Trust based in PA or Delaware and keep their NFA stuff secured in a safe there. Really no huge deal... there's no place to really shoot them in NJ anyway.


well, theres go that idea! best bet for me is to price some m82a1's before theyre outlawed just like california!
NJ residents just need to form a NFA Trust based in PA or Delaware and keep their NFA stuff secured in a safe there. Really no huge deal... there's no place to really shoot them in NJ anyway.


I have 40 acres and my own private range.

There's a lot of places to shoot in jersey, as long as you don't live in the armpit section.
Slingshot ban

An M16 owned by a citizen in NJ? No way.

If you remember about 2 months ago pending proposal banning/controlling ammunition and other shooting things included slingshots. Slingshots! What chance does any have of owning an M16 in NJ if slingshots have the potential to be banned.
slingshots are already basically illegal.

You need to prove you "lawful" purpose for being in posession of one. What puroses are lawful might you ask? Have fun figuring that one out.
A little history...

The law originally just banned "slungshots" in the 1950's or 60's. Then as the story goes, some idiot in the legislature changed a letter "u" to an "i" and slingshots were instantly outlawed.

The machine gun legislation in New Jersey dates way back to about 1924.

The law requiring a FID (Firearms ID) card to buy long guns, with fingerprints, mental health check, references, three to six month wait and $65 all dates back to 1966 (two years before the 1968 GCA). You can thank attorney general Arthur Sills for this. Sills later went on to help Gov. Florio (Mr. toilet paper tax) with his campaign and later died of a stroke somewhere in the 90's.

Pistol purchase permit dates back before 1966. There were references of it (from my research) dating back to the 1920's.
I should have been jailed

When I was 12 to 21 I lived in NJ (from late 1950s). At 12 my neighbors and I had slingshot fights with acorns. We carved our slingshots from cherry wood and used strips of inner tubes. That means FFLs were circumvented. I must turn myself in for that awful unlawful activity.

Such bonehead laws. My brother lives there and continues to salivate over my LA concealed carry permit.
NJ Gun Control Time line leading up to the 1960's,

I focused on the 1960's and earlier because that information was nearly impossible to obtain. This might answer some questions how and when this all came about.

Chapter 137 Laws of 1924 Page 305 - 308 Concealed carry permit now needed. Establishes Record of Sale, Registry, signature of buyer and seller, duplicate needs to be delivered to chief of police, penalties include a high misdemeanor, 24 hour waiting period, no sales after 3 pm, presidents of banks and trust associations, loan institutions, can make application for (up to) 20 permits for the employees,agents, messengers and clerks. Does not apply to State Police or any motor vehicle inspector...Approved March 11 1924

Chapter 95 Laws of 1927 Page 180-182 Machine Guns need to procure and possess a license to purchase. Apply at the Court of Common Pleas of the county where the applicant resides for a license to purchase have and possess a machine gun. Application shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for needing one. Application presented to the judge and to the sheriff, the judge at his discretion may issue a license. Exceptions for law enforcement..

Chapter 67 Laws of 1954 Page 419 No person shall sell or purchase a pistol or revolver unless the purchaser has first secured a permit to purchase or carry a pistol or revolver. Approved June 24 1954

Chapter 60 Laws of 1966 Pages 480 - 506 Firearms Laws Revising, repealing and supplementing parts of Statutory Law. This is the one that changed things and the one you want to research yourself. Sills Act of 1966 or the FID 1966 Gun Control Law all 26 pages worth. The exact law, the exact wording, 1966 style.

(This is the law that mandated Firearms ID cards in order to purchase long guns in NJ. Requirements then and still to this day include mental health check, references, police background check, fingerprints, fees and long waits for the card. By 1966 there was a pistol purchase permit requirement already in place since 1954.)


I did an exhaustive write up on NJ gun control on another two other forums earlier this year, the above direct links are to the online research law library from Rutgers.
NJ residents just need to form a NFA Trust based in PA or Delaware

Sorry, but that's a no go in the Diamond State. We can have short barreled rifles and any other weapons, but no machine guns, short shot guns, or suppressors.