NJ bullet requirements


I have been led to understand that in NJ, on law enforcement can carry HP bullets, others tho legally carrying, must use solids. Can anyone confirm this? Or refer me to an authoritative source? Thanks!
You have heard correctly. NJ is notorious for doing anything they can to jam honest gun owners. Their hollowpoint law makes it legal - at least in their view.

They can and will jail/fine/confiscate/all of the above if they find you in posession of hollowpoints. One Special Police Officer from D.C. traveling to NYC to visit family was jammed up for HP's found in his duty rig. He had come direclty from work after putting his sidearm in the safe. The fact that the individual was a sworn officer made no difference to the NJ cops.

Here in Delaware I recently met a parole officer whose duties were to take him across Jersey. He was in the gun store picking up non HP defense loads. Even being a sworn officer from another state is no protection in Jersey.

And Jersey cops wonder why other states officers sometimes do not extend them professional courtesy. Boggles the mind actually.

Solids only in Jersey. I was living there when the law was enacted. At that time you could buy hollow points at our local range but you better use them all there..... for your own safety of course :(
I believe that the Federal EFMJ was designed in part to get around this law, in addition to providing more reliable feeding in guns that would not feed HP ammo correctly. EFMJ is probably your best bet for self defense ammo in NJ.
Possession of hollowpoint ammunition is perfectly legal while on your own property, dwelling, premisis, or when transporting the ammunition to such places. [See NJ Rev. Stat., Title 2C, Chap 39, Sec 3, subsection g(2)a]
Possession of hollowpoint ammunition is perfectly legal while on your own property, dwelling, premisis, or when transporting the ammunition to such places.
That is different from what I've heard. I heard there's also a fine per round. Jersey is one scary state, most of my family is there, once I left there was no going back.
Thanks for the info.
If the law is specific to hollow points, soft points or semi wadcutter type bullets are ok?
Can anyone refer me to the specific law?
I believe that it is probably legal on the books to transport hollow point home and have it there, but I would not.

I believe the law is strictly for hollowpoints, but again from living there I would stick to LRN in a .38 while Jerseying.

Other designs are legal, I would not tempt fate and do everything I could to avoid the question in the first place. If passing through I would try to do it without stopping and would go out of my way to avoid being stopped.

I am sure not every LEO in Jersey is rabidly anti-gun - but I know many are.
Hoss52 said:
Thanks for the info.
If the law is specific to hollow points, soft points or semi wadcutter type bullets are ok?
Can anyone refer me to the specific law?

See NJ Rev Stat, Title 2C, Chap 39, Sec 3, subsection f(1). It pertains to hollow point, dum-dum, and body armor penetrating bullets.

Here is a link to the BATF State laws and regulations book: ATF P 5300.5 State Laws and Published Ordnances - Firearms

For exceptions see NJ Rev. Stat., Title 2C, Chap 39, Sec 3, subsection g(2)a
Good god, what did you people do to let the communists get that bad up there?!??!

Well I am overly scared of Jersey - lived there for eight years. Rabid anti-gun place for the most part. I know a kid who did time for HP .22 ammo in his Florida licensed Van upon moving in to the state. The van was his domicile when it was searched.

If I went on with this story nobody would believe it. So being scared I try to stay out of Jersey. If I go there I don't carry a cub scout knife. If I had to carry a .38 through there as an out of state LEO, I would load it with LRN. And Prayer.

On my visit to Jersey last summer, had a cop threaten me for taking a photo of a old historic building downtown. Said I would need to get permission from the "freeholders". I'm sure he was just doing his job but don't they have bigger problems there?

I also understand you need to submit a permit, with fee, to purchase a handgun. It's the closest thing to a Gestapo state we have in the union.
As I understand it, possession/use of hollow points is only illegal if you are in the commission of another crime. However, specific legal questions should be directed to our state's top firearm lawyer, www.evannappen.com.

As a gun-owning resident of NJ, I can describe owning a gun here as like walking on eggshells over a sheet of thin ice over a minefield.

Yes, you need a separate permit to purchase a handgun--one permit per handgun. Consider yourself lucky if it's processed in under three months, despite the statutory requirement of 30 days.

With regard to the arrests some of you have mentioned, can you provide me further info about them? I'm gathering records of incidents of harassment and false arrest that happen here in NJ as part of a larger project for one of the groups I belong to. So if you can remember names, dates, places, pass them on to me so I can research them and get the whole story.
Thanks for the references. Dum Dum bullets???, what a strange thing for NJ to include into the code of law! I suppose that is deliberately vague enough.:barf:
The compliance to the NJ AWB is thought to be 4/10ths of 1%. Do you believe that compliance to anything else is significantly more? Have you heard about arrests?
Have you heard about arrests?

Yes, a personal friend served time for .22 lr hollowpoints. Also in D.C. SPO training we were warned about a Special Police Officer traveling to visit family in NY being charged for HP ammo in his speedloaders, no weapon in the car and the police knew he was sworn.

Dum Dum bullets???, what a strange thing for NJ to include into the code of law! I suppose that is deliberately vague enough.

DING DING DING DING!!! we have a winner.