Nissan Frontier gun Vault

Is there a picture with the door open that shows the interior and lip design?
Not the lid with the pens but the door itself, the one with the lock.
Most car burglars pry those kinds of boxes open and the lip design is important.
Personally, I'm not a fan of a console safe.
Consoles and glove boxes are the first places a thief looks.
From their website.

Most car burglars pry those kinds of boxes open and the lip design is important.
Most car burglars smash and grab something in plain sight. If they steal the vehicle they will be taking it somewhere they can open the lock box. If not, they probably won't bother.
Any one have any experience with the following item?

I don't have any first hand experience, but I went by the shop that services my vehicles last month and the owner that I have known for about 20 years mentioned to me that his F250 console vault was broken into recently during the day (lunch) at a Red Lobster parking lot. He said he was surprised and apparently a cordless Sawzall was used. The door wasn't cut, just the latch. They were then able to bend the door and get it open. He said they broke the knob off the combo lock, but the lock was not breached.

Seems to me they targeted him thinking there would be a gun in the console. He didn't have one there this time. I guess with all the guns being left in vehicles, the thieves are doing what they need to and possibly carrying more tools. At least this one was. While I don't think this is very common, it's always going to be a game to stay one step ahead of the thieves.
I hate to be the Debbie Downer...

If you go to youtube or google and search for videos by/about professional _bike_ thieves, you will lose pretty much all confidence in bitty vehicle gun safes.

Some of these thieves pack lithium battery powered angle grinders, bitty hydraulic jacks, folding-handle bolt cutters, one-hand sledge hammers, small crow bars, and more. None of the car safes would last long against these.

Linky with some videos:

Bolt cutter with ~4' long arms...that fold and will fit into a small pack/messenger bag:

Bottom line for me, the only value auto gun safes bring to the table:
1. Keep gun out of hands of your kiddos while in the auto.
2. Stop the most amateur smash & grab that would likely be foiled by a locked glove box.
My neighbor today was showing me this exact unit that he had put in his truck. The quality and ease of install was impressive. Based on what I saw, I would not hesitate to try the product.
Of course CDBs (Career Dirt Bags) can make fast work of car safes, just as there are some that could make their way into your 3000 pound "Mondo Safe" in the basement. But if we can keep the drunk homeless guy looking for a place to sleep and some change, the 16 year old neighbor kid looking for stuff to pawn so he can buy dope, or the curious little kid that decides to go "exploring" while Dad is pumping gas, then we have at least greatly reduced the chance of our gun getting into the wrong hands. ;)