Nipple wrench size?

Do you NEED to take out nipples for cleaning? I shot 100 balls out of it this weekend, took the wedge out and cleaned the barrel and frame real well, factory new look. The cylinder is a bit of a mess because patches don't go through, so I did the best i could with patches... I understand if you take the nipples off the patch will still not go through, and the holes seem to be clean enough when I look from the inside out. Do you really need to take nipples out?
This is the best nipple wrench around IMNSHO


Colt Universal Nipple wrench is made from carbon steel and has nipple slots of about .196” - .236” and .275”, and screwdriver tip. Combination wrench fits 1851, 1860 and 1858 Cap & Ball Pistol - AMPCO, traditions and Musket Nipples. By Pedersoli.

Description Order No. Price
Universal Nipple Wrench 45-016 $32.95

Our Cabela has good prices on Piettas, stangely enough.

I was at Cabelas the other day and they did have some good prices on them. Probably can't sell them very well. Not many want to fool with them.
It is a fun shooter, as long as you have the right powder flask. First time around I came to the range hoping they would have the right flask, and they only had the wrong sizes for sale (larger/smaller spouts), so I decided to just use brass powder measure to load it... What a freaking nightmare!
finally the nipples will rust into place.
You mean like mine?
They've been like that for years - I got it that way.
Like integral parts of the cylinder.
It works just fine that way.
No big deal.
I like to remove the nipples once in a while so that if I need to change or upgrade to a better set I can. I put a very small dab of automotive anti-seize compound on the threads. I have it for sparkplugs and such.

If you don't also need it for that, I would not buy it. You could use another grease, or take a very small container to an auto shop and buy a small gob of anti-seize for a buck that would last for years.
The strongest cone wrenches are offered by Track of the Wolf. The NW-130 or NW-140 will meet your needs.

As previously stated, coat the threads with anti-seize compound each time you reinstall them.

Some people never remove them for cleaning, some do it every time. We do it every other time if we're shooting regularly and every time if the trips are more than a few months apart.

Pietta Colts are hard on their factory cones and after several hundred rounds with the newer production guns, we've had to replace them all for reliable ignition. Track's cones are the ones we selected for them and am well pleased with these cones.

If this is a new Pietta and you have never taken the nipples out, then you might meet the Pietta gorilla. :) He installs the nipples. You can search this forum for a lot of advice like that on BlackPowderBen's post "New Black Powder Pistol" from September 25th this year.

As others have suggested, get a good nipple wrench. There several styles. This is where the experience of others might prevent you from needing to buy another one later.

I know I prefer a 'T' handle as it helps me to keep the wrench securely on the nipple (cone).

One of the best things I learned here was steady and sustained pressure on the wrench.

I haven't tried Kroil yet, but it sounds good if nothing else that you have works.

Also a rounded off nipple can be a pain...take your time.

I purchased a couple 'unfired' pistols that had rusty gunk above the nipple threads under the nipple seating shoulder, so I think it's good to remove and clean them.
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