Nikon Spot On App For IPhone 5


New member
Anyone use this? Just bought a used but NIB Nikon 4.5x14 with BDC reticle, and was wondering if this app would be worthwhile. It's only 4 bucks, so will probably give it a try.
I've used it a bit (Android version) for my .22 with Nikon scope. It's a pretty nice interface and customizable for specific loads, if you need.

As for accuracy, I can't definitively say. I've only used it maybe 3 times. The first couple, I think I had some data wrong (scope height, chose a "close enough" cartridge since the one I was using wasn't in the predefined list and was missing some variables). I also think the previous owner didn't take very good care of the barrel as it's shooting about 2" groups at 50yds-I know I'm not that poor of a shot with a rifle.

It has a nice reticle display that you know is matched to your specific Nikon scope. Also settable to match the zoom you have set your scope at, too (as well as you can since scope zoom rings are analog and are impossible to guarantee an exact magnification setting).

But like you said, it won't break the bank.
Thanks. Carried the scope out of a pawnshop (went there looking for an extra 3/4" ratchet) for $175, so now to find it a home.
Debating, but probably my M1A.
Well worth it on android. I used to to calc wind and bdc reticle on my 17hmr last week in the field and was smacking prairie dogs out to 315yds. Have fun with it!
I have the same scope on my rem 700 and love it, I also got the app for my I phone and to me its worth the $4
I've used the app on my IPhone 4 for a couple years, mostly to support 6.8 SPC and .308 rifles. I found the data to be "spot on" for where I tested it: 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. This is based on POIs compared to where the app said they should be for a 100 yard zero.

Until recently, I've not had a range long enough to stretch it out beyond that. I am currently in surge mode at work until 1 Oct, and hope to hit the range a bunch after that where I'll begin looking at the app info out to 200 yards on those calibers.

For what it is, I've found it to be a great tool and very informative on other calibers as well with their velocity and energy charts.
Nikon's Spot On Ballistic Program

I have been using the program since it came out and the upgrades to it have made it so much more accurate and user friendly. The ability to use atmospheric conditions where you are currently located. Adding wind direction and speed. For handloaders, there is even a section for you. I have had the pleasure to blow up 4 inch jars of Tannerite at 600 yards and soda cans at 500 because of Spot On and the BDC reticle.
On the negative side, I have it on my iphone and I have missed opportunities on coyotes because I have been "playing" with Spot On, checking out what different conditions will do to my bullet and such. Well work the $4.99 in my opinion. Even if you don;t use a BDC reticle scope there is still a lot of information that can be gathered from the site. Over 1 million registered users can't be wrong!

Here's an idea of what you can get from the free on line version or the portable app.
I find it annoying when any scope company doesn't make reticle subtension values readily available.

I agree! We switched web-sites recently and not all information has been updated. I agree, knowing subtensions is very useful information.
Which ones are you looking for ?