The problem with buying night vision gear is that there isn't exactly any sort of NV warehouse where you can go and demo various makes and models to find out what best suits you given your budget. I find this aspect to be very frustrating. Various generation levels will give you some idea of light amplification ability, but not durability or even clarity of the image.
In my opinion, opinions on various makes and models is sketchy at best, almost like gun school reviews. If somebody has something they believe is good, then they are sold on it 100%, though they may have only limited or even no experience with anything else. I have owned a total of 50 NV scopes over the years and handled maybe 5 other units from Gen I-III and I can tell you for a fact that I know what I like of what I have played with, but that does not mean I have a knowledge of what else is in the field relative to what I have used.
My suggestion is to make friends with folks in your area that might have NV and see how you like their gear. If they have something that will work for your needs and it fits your costs, then you have a decent product 'fit'.