nightstick / baton trick

Sorry Cap, but you will see if you replace the word "sword" with "billyclub" or "baton", that this technique is indeed useful in modern times. I figured others would make this connection without coming right out and saying it. This move is vicious and usually unexpected.

Itto Ryodan: Splitting the opponent in two with a single stroke

You face the opponent sideways, holding your sword on your right, downward, the sword tip facing away from you. When the opponent swings his sword down at your left shoulder, swing your sword up and, in a semi-circle (the wheel), strike his fists. As you do this, your left shoulder will twist away from it's origional position and escape the enemy sword.

Because of the low posture you assume, this technique is named Chinryu: "A Dragon Crouching In Water"
Believe me, the indiana-jones response is superior in every way.

This works well if you have a stick-like weapon of some sort, and the enemy is likewise armed. In a baton vs. wine bottle match, this move is good stuff for all you bouncers out there.
Baton strike series, typical;
strike 1) Jab to the solar plexus
Strike 2) Capture tip end with off hand and bring up hard to the chin
Strike 3) Overhand (two handed) to the right collar bone
Strike 4) Overhand to the left collar bone
Strike 5) Strike to the right elbow
strike 6) strike to the left elbow
Strike 7) Strike to the right knee
Strike 8) strike to the left knee

Complete all strikes in 3-5 seconds
garry c,

Except for the solar plexus blow, you are missing the nerve pressure points where one should strike to temporarily incapacitate an aggressor, allowing you to flee. Or were you going to hang around breaking bones and be charged with aggravated assualt?
No offense oldbill...and this is coming from someone who studied martial arts, Fencing and Aikido...ummm you don't know if it will work. It is only a theory (please don't test it) or a form you practice. If you use a Kata in a street fight you will get a beating. I learned after getting beat down a few times that in a street fight the form and grace of martial arts goes out the window, and you got to stick with quick, effective, PROVEN moves. If I somehow find myself with only a sword against a sword welding bad guy, I am not going to stare him down with awkward ninja pose, then jump 10 feet into the air trying to chop him in half. No, I will use what I know to block or parry everything he throws at me while trying to hack and stab him to death. I will not be graceful, but it will be bloody.
Except for the solar plexus blow, you are missing the nerve pressure points where one should strike to temporarily incapacitate an aggressor, allowing you to flee. Or were you going to hang around breaking bones and be charged with aggravated assualt?

Hey guy, as long as I stop when the inmate is incapacitated There is no assault. I'm a corrections officer and I'm talking about use in a situation where deadly force is justified, like if he has a shank and has intent on useing it. Of course they do not allow us to carry ANY form of weapon except in an emergency ( Not even O.C. spray) so all I'd have is Unarmed Self Defence as a norm.
I understand the nerve points, just above the elbow and on the outer edge of the shoulder, but try to hit those accuratly in a fight, ain't happening. Most of the time your going to hit the joint square on. Now my report will read that I attempted to strike those points but do to the dynamic nature of the inmates attempted assault I struck the joints. Screw pain points, I want to disable that limb!!
gary c,

Why didn't you say you were beating on cons? In that case, lose the kung foo who-you crap. Using the palm of either hand, thrust upward into the chin and put their lights out.

No offense intended by my previous post.
Using the palm of either hand, thrust upward into the chin and put their lights out.

Did that to one psychotic inmate once, he just staggered back and looked at me. Wrist locked and arm barred him to the ground, he pushed through the wrist lock pain like it was nothing. LT. arrived, because of my man down alarm, and sprayed him in the face with O.C. It just made him mad!! Ended up with five officers on him and a real fight to get him cuffed. Had I used a Baton or PR-24 I don't think it would have helped much. Thing is the guy only weighed about 190 pounds.
And yes there was another officer in the lock with me. A female C.O. that was an USD advanced instructor, she froze. That was one day my Man Down Alarm saved my butt.
I can say from real-world experience that the rotating-upswing baton-strike is effective. I don't like kata anymore that you, hombre. Try it before you bash it. I have never even studied a japanese style until recently, I discovered this one years ago...
I didn't mean to offend, just what to give the warning. I was a "by the books" Martial Arts students in my teen years living in a bad neighborhood and I took a few beatings from unskilled kids simply because they used proven street moves, and I follow a tempo and rules they did not adhere to. I almost gave up on the whole martial arts thing until I read some stuff about Bruce Lee, to absorb what is useful and to studied with more streetwise martial arts instructors. I'm familar with the move, I will look at it more closely.
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