
Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I first fired a Glock a couple of years ago. After I got through I asked the owner,"It shoots well but where's the safety?" :)

Well, for the last year, a Glock 29 has been my main carry weapon and I have no complaints.

I think it was a combination of reading about concerns over carrying a 1911 cocked and locked (which I've had no problems with over 3 decades) and the thread about ever having to draw on a bad guy but I had a nightmare last night.

I was trying to shoot an intruder in my home with my Glock 29 and the trigger wouldn't move. I'm frantically looking for the safety, pulling on the slide release, etc. with this sinking feeling you get when you realize that your privates have been placed in a meat grinder. Damn dream woke me up.

Byron Quick
It's Oooookaay, you'll be alright.

A glass of warm milk will do you well...


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
That's okay, I am going through a caliber inferiority phase.

Had a dream last night that there was a lion in my room. It just purred as I shot it with a .44 mag, then a .45 Super. I could not get across the room to get the .50 AE.

I know lions don't purr, but still, he didn't seem to mind being shot with my big guns. :)

Funny gun-problems dreams we have.
Funny thing about dreams..

When I was a teen I remember having this really VIVID freddy's gonna get me dream... and there he was taunting me with his glove full of knives and I pulled out my trusty ruger 22 auto pistol pointed it at his HEAD and said "BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG"

I woke UP saying "Bang", didn't have to say it ten times tho... silly huh???

I had a dream that while coming out my room, to my left was my mother with her hands up. As I looked towards the front door 2 armed men were standing in the living room next to an open front door. They were aiming at my mom. I pushed her into the hallway out of their line of fire. The first man fired while I was moving away from mom and missed. He manged to break a wall length mirror behind me. I drew my P229 from behind my back and double tapped the first intruder square in the chest. He fell lifeless and bleeding on the sofa. The other intruder was racing out of the door when I fired at him. I missed . He got into a van and started speeding away. I emptied the gun into the retreating van but did not stop it. When I awoke, I felt that I had performed well under the circumstances. After all I didn't know it was a dream at the time. I don't know how I would have performed in real life and I hope I will never have to. Meanwhile I train aggressively with the hope that I will never have to use it.

Guns never work correctly in my dreams. I dreamt of a Steyr Scout that, for no reason, worked like a Browning BPR. Even as I was working the fantasy slide-action, I was thinking to myself, "That's not right..."
Mine either don't work right or work orders of magnitude better. I wish I knew where to get some of the ammo I use in dreams. Must be at Phasers and Micro Tactical Nukes-R-US!

Byron Quick
Don't worry Spart. It was only a dream. And to help you sleep better, Dr. SB is going to recommend a box of Federal Hydra Shoks for your gun angst and sleeplessness. Shoot two of these and call me in the morning. :D
I very occasionally have this dream where I continue to pump 230 grain hydra-shoks into someone who's trying to kill me, and they act like nothing hit them. Very disturbing (for a few seconds.)

Stay cloze to ze candles, ze staircase (dramatic pause) . . . can be trecherous.

I have nightmares all the time about either my weapon failing or shooting the BG with no effect. In most of these dreams I usually wind up going to my knife and taking the BG out.