Night Sights on a Beretta Cougar

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While in my 10-day wait for a new Cougar .40, I was considering night sights, and have gotten alot of conflicting info, such as:

Dealer #1: No problem, only Meprolights are available, no Trijicon.

Beretta 800 #: We don't do it at the factory, try Trijicon. Added he thinks night sights overrated, only good for first shot, possibly inferior to stock sights in other conditions

Delear #2: We send them to local gunsmith, no problem.

Local Gunsmith: Nope, we don't do that here, its too difficult, try the dealer or Trijicon

Dealer #3: Have the factory do it, saves some of the cost (conflicts with dealer statement above).

Trijicon: No sweat, we've got em, send us your slide and the cash and you're good to go.

After hearing all this, I'm leaning towards not getting them. This will be a home defense gun and it seemed to make alot of sense to me early on, but with so much conflicting info, I think I'll save the $$. Thoughts?

Repo Man
My response is save the $$$ and stick with the factory sights--just make sure they are properly zeroed. This task is usually accomplished by a trip to the range. Besides, when buying a new pistol, a few hundred rounds of practice is in order to see how everything works. Fixed sights can be adjusted with the proper tool, usually a sight pusher. When they are really off, I have a smith do it.

[This message has been edited by Trevor (edited September 15, 1999).]
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