Night at the Oscars!


Staff Emeritus
Night at the Oscars!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

First of all I must thank my fans - the 23 Safety Officers and Risk
Management Officers from several federal agencies, both major utilities
of San Antonio, and many private corporations who attended our presentation this morning.

I never thought they would welcome me and enjoy my presentation to
such a great extent. My simple 30 minute presentation was extended to
nearly an hour because of the excitement of my fans, their questions and
supporting comments.

I especially want to thank some of the many people who made my
presentation a success.

Present at the meeting was my Sponsor: The Executive Director of the
Greater San Antonio Safety Council(GSASC) which is the local chapter of
the National Safety Council(NSC).

I also must thank those wonderful people who were there in spirit - the
people who sent me the items which made the presentation so very

Mr. Michael Marks of SafetyOn Software who permitted me full use of his
fine product. And especially Mr. Rich Lucibella who actually sent me his
copy to use.

Mr. Jeff OTMG who let me borrow his small combination-lock gun safe. I
was able to show how a loaded handgun can be kept safely secured, yet
readily available for the protection of our loved ones.

Mr. Fal308 for sending his materials from the JPFO.

Mr. Little-e for his class material on Firearms Safety.

Mr. dZ for his information on firearms magazine locks.
I also must thank all the TFL members for their comments and
suggestions on the earlier TFL thread.


Oh, I see I’m running short of time! If I've missed anyone I'm sorry but they say I must stop. Again, thank you, thank
you all so very much for your help.

(Sobbing with humility, exit stage Right - NEVER to the left!)


Seriously, the presentation ran nearly double the alloted time! I tried
several times to stop the presentation but questions and comments
continued to fly and the the moderator kept telling me to continue to
answer questions.

I handed out about five pounds of brochures.

Several attendees said this was the most interesting and best-delivered
presentation ever held at their monthly meetings. It was your support
that made this possible. I thank you very, very much.

Oh yes, there were a couple people who tried to be troublemakers:
- One fellow tried to get off subject into gun control. I politely
interrupted him and reminded him that the subject for today had to be
restricted to securing firearms in the home. There is too much gun control misinformation to discuss and disprove in a mere thirty minutes. (Sneaky, huh!)

- One lady tried to extract a legal opinion from me. I already had given
my disclaimer (it’s too long to print here) and explained that she needed
to speak with an attorney. She said she wanted ME to tell her what to
do. I again said she needed to speak with an attorney and told her to
see me after the meeting and I would give her the name of a GOOD
attorney who could advise her.

The rest of the group just howled! Turns out:
1) She IS an attorney.
2) She was trying to make me violate the law by giving legal advice.

Upon learning that she was an attorney, I smiled and told her, “Aw,
c’mon. You weren’t trying to make me commit the offense of
‘Unauthorized Practice of Law’, were you? That would be entrapment by
a professional!” I then told those assembled that, as an attorney, I was
sure she would help them with any legal questions about firearms storage
and use.

She was embarrassed, much to the great (and vocal) amusement of the
other 22 people. I was told later she is considered an arrogant pain the
behind. After the meeting 4 or 5 people thanked me for putting her in
her place. (But I was SOOO gentle!)

The thrust of my presentation was that two major levels of security are involved
with firearms in the home.
1) Securing firearms so they can not be used by children. (This is easy.)
2) Securing firearms from theft. (This is more difficult and has many levels of security...)

I showed everyone why I did not like trigger locks and explained that
political solutions are not always practical solutions. (Nearly gave myself
a hernia stopping there....)

I demonstrated some VERY inexpensive ways to keep children from using
guns and progressed all the way to the $2,000 gun safes.

I had a ball and so did everyone there. There’s a LOT more to tell, but
this is already too long, so:


[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 13, 1999).]
Good job, Dennis, and thanks for "gently" putting the antis in their place. It sounds like you scored big.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
Kickass. Thanks, Dennis.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
And the video is available where? This is something a lot of us would enjoy watching over and over. :)

It all sounds better than a night at the Oscars! Good work!
Since she isn't a DA, I would think her "entrapment" stunt is an ethics violation(s). I'd complain to the State Bar Ass' least its a black mark on her permanent record; they will contact her, and she will know she is on a sh!t list.

Great job Dennis!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Thanks Dennis! I certainly hope that you are now making yourself available to the companies for presentations to their employees. I don't suppose there is a transcript of your presentation available, in the event the video is not out yet. Blockbuster has a public service section for free rental and if a video is available it would make a nice addition after editing.
Yes, please, Dennis, report that lawyer to the state bar for an ethics violation. Do it for all of us here at TFL. Do it for the children. Hell, do it because it'll be FUN! Make that foot she shoved into her mouth burst with the flavor of what she was shoveling.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
Isn't it just like a liberal to try an attack on this level? What I mean is that I was once told by an old friend that if some one doesn't really have any substance in their argument with you, then they almost always try to attack you personally. That's the point when you know that you've won the argument. That Skunk! There was a time when someone who tried a dirty trick like that was tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail!

Good Heads-up play there Old man! Keep up the good work!
Unkel Gilbey
Great job, hope it bear a lot of fruit.

Ah, lawyers...reminds me of a story.
A businessman encounters and attorney friend in the restroom of a restaurant, and ask him a minor legal question, which he answers. A few days later, the businessman recieves a bill from the legal eagle, which he pays with some disgust.
Several weeks pass, and they encounter each other in the same fashion, same place. The businessman comments to the lawyer, "It's raining pretty hard outside....and I'm TELLING you, NOT ASKING!" (I wonder what my Dad, Aunt, Uncle, nephews, and both Grandads would think, all having been {nephews still alive & practicing} attornies?)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
Way to go, Dennis! I had a brainfart while you were prepping for this gig but didn't want to distract you, but shortcut reminded me with his video comment. Now that you've go a great presentation down pat, you should do it on public access TV. It's a timely topic, a public service, and it'll reach bunches of people (and you can get a professionally produced videotape out of it, too, from the station). Give that presentationsome legs! recycle!
Best regards, M2
Inasmuch as the lawyer's comments and urging were all verbal, I would have to subpoena all the other folks as witnesses. I fear that would hurt our cause more than punishing the lawyer - who might come out of this looking like a martyr.

Trust me. She self-destructed so violently, and was laughed at so loudly, (and underestimated this non-lawyer so severely) that she'll be more careful in the future.

This presentation was supposed to serve several goals:
- It gave my director something for HER turn to provide a demonstration. We FAR outgrew that little reason.
- We wanted to address the current hot topic of trigger locks. And we debunked trigger locks by showing the most common trigger lock won't fit a Glock, a 1911, or a S&W (with non-standard grips).
- We wanted to show many alternatives to securing firearms - many of them very inexpensive! We showed dozens!
- We wanted to de-mystify firearms and de-demonize gun owners.
- We showed the government solution is dumb.
- We wanted to advertise a wide variety of products related to firarms security. (Indicating that we didn't sell them - they were just good products.)
- We wanted to create a product (the presentation) that would "sell" to the Safety/Risk Management people so we could present this information to many other organizations. We are making some progress here.
- We want to spread the marketing of safety-related products, including firearms-related products. This will be developed more later this year.
- We're boosting the awareness of the local Safety Council, gaining credibility necessary to survival, increasing our power until we can NOT be ignored by the TV station who "faded out" on us. We're making some progress there.

Please remember: this turned out to be a "trial balloon" - a one-shot deal to determine if we could do this in the future in an expanded format.

The original agreements all fell flat because nobody believed I could talk about gun locks for 30 minutes. (heh, heh. They didn't know the devious ole Grump!)

We have proven the subject is broader and more relevant than most people ever imagined. We are creating our credibility. That's why the support I received from ALL of you was so very, very crucial.

Trust me on this. The Executive Director was amazed at my presentation. She was lauded by her colleagues for what she had brought to them. She sees money in our future. I see a chance to put the brownshirts on the defensive.

The struggle will continue.
On a related theme - a gimmick.

At the beginning of my presentation I stressed safety, the four rules, etc. but I wasn't getting their attention they way I wanted. So, I made them a deal.

"If, at any time, I permit the muzzle (pointing to and touching the muzzle) of any of these guns to point toward you, just yell, 'Muzzle!' Each time that happens, I will buy breakfast for the first person who catches me, okay?"

They all looked like kids who just saw their first Christmas tree! (PS. I didn't have to buy any breakfasts.)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 14, 1999).]
Congrats Dennis!!!!!! Great job and it all seems very well said! They should put it on local TV, people need to see some good things about guns rather than all the violence that we see every day! You should start your own little TV show, Gun Improvement! The American people could use some true information! Again great job! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Sounds great...but what was it? Not everyone here (esp. yours truly) knows where the presentation was, who the audience was, or why the talk occurred.
Behind Door Nr One we have the original url: “I’m Gonna Be On TV - Help!”

But wait! Behind Door Nr Two we have the Reader’s Digest version!

Marilyn, (the Executive Director of the Greater San Antonio Safety Council -
the local chapter of the National Safety Council) came to me with a proposal.

- A local Safety Organization is composed of Safety Officers, Risk Management
personnel etc. from major utilities in San Antonio, some state and federal agencies, and some corporations. They have a breakfast seminar each month and one member must provide a speaker on a safety-related subject.

- This month was Marilyn’s turn. In her two-year struggle to gain more recognition she
has had all kinds of problems and roadblocks in her way. She decided to take the bit in
her teeth and gain attention (or notoriety). She decided to address trigger locks on

- Marilyn knows I’m a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) Instructor and approached me
with the idea. She already had TENTATIVE support from various people as follows:
--- A presentation at the monthly breakfast seminar to see if the subject would
work, be acceptable, etc. - IOW, a trial balloon.
--- If the trial balloon did NOT implode, there were to be more presentations at
the locations of the various members. (Some heavyweights involved.) This
was to “hone” the presentation for the next step.
--- Finally, a television presentation on a local TV station. (Not one of the
major networks, but that was a whispered, hopeful eventuality.)

- Before the project got off the ground, much of Marilyn’s support “chickened
out”. Bless her, that just made her more determined!

- When Marilyn discussed the subject with me, I pointed out there are two
major elements of security involved:
--- Safeguarding firearms from children, and
--- Safeguarding firearms from thieves (with various levels of dedication)

- I also pointed out that most trigger locks are crap. (Okay, so I said it
differently, explained in more detail, but that’s what I meant!)

- I came to TFL for help (that’s the original post) and BOY, did I get it!
(That’s what this thread is about.)

Political Correctness has adversely affected support for Marilyn’s program.
So, she and I have become more determined than ever to make this project

1) The first presentation was such a success we know we can make it work
IF we can get in the door - get initial bookings. The problem seems to
be that everyone is afraid to suggest such a presentation to management.
Obviously it doesn’t apply to most organizations - so they say they don’t need
or want it. Many say they are afraid of “the liability” of getting involved with a
subject that is NOT work-related.

2) I am working on developing several different presentations on the subject
of securing firearms.
- some presentations must be quick and superficial.
- other presentations must be more detailed, etc.
- some presentations I can bring the whole arsenal (rifles/shotguns/handguns)
- other presentations must be more “discreet” (whatever THAT means! :D)

3) Marilyn is working on getting us people to talk to.

4) Marilyn (later this year) hopes to set up a “storefront” operation offering
ALL sorts of general safety items for sale.
--- This is in addition to our current education/training efforts in areas: e.g. the
operation of forklifts; First Aid & CPR, Defensive Driving, Bloodborne
Pathogen training, classes for people convicted of DWI or MIP (Minor in
Possession of alcohol), and (seriously) about a hundred other safety-related
items and courses.
--- Part of this picture includes firearm safety. That’s where I come in.

By the way, Marilyn is to be commended for even considering such a subject. Remember,
the National Safety Council is not a pro-gun organization. Note also that Marilyn is not
an experienced gun owner/user/shooter. I am surprised at her dedication to the subject
and she deserves a LOT of credit for her efforts.
She IS good at marketing (I'm definitely NOT!) so if this project flies, it is Marilyn who
deserves the credit. (I'm just talking about a subject I truly enjoy.)


Related subject:
I want (and need) to become certified by the NRA in a host of subjects. I have
found nobody in the San Antonio area who has the time (and inclination) to
help me. So, I’ll be contacting NRA for another list of instructor-trainers.
Part of my problem is getting loose from my work so I can attend such
training. It WILL work out!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 14, 1999).]
Hey Dennis!

Just a thought. Since Marilyn is a mover and shaker in the business (or at least has connections), it seems that her Expertise and Influence could be helpful to our cause in the future. What I mean here is that if she were shown what shooting sports and gun ownership was all about, she may be a way into making a ground swell of support in our favor. Take her out shooting. Punch some holes in paper, or bounce a soda can around the range. Maybe a round of skeet or trap would be fun? At least get her to see (for herself) that we're NOT a bunch of knuckle dragging Neanderthal's who're shooting up the country side, slaughtering Bambi's and threatening the general populace. We currently have spokesmen who can be labeled as 'self-serving', 'demented', 'extreme' and the list goes on and on. But if a 'Regular guy/gal' shows up and starts telling the truth about the majority of gun owners - then that would go a long way towards putting our plight into a better media spotlight. What do you think? Let us know.

Unkel Gilbey
Dennis, congratulations, and I'll say thank you as well. Anything you do to protect firearms freedoms is ... for my children! Thanks.

Arguments against discussing firearms security or safety with kids or adults are very wrong-headed. Even if someone hates guns, they must admit that guns do exist in the U.S., and will for the foreseeable future. Thus, I don't see how the logic of safety education in this area can be argued.

Of course, based upon Michael Marks' experiences lately, a lack of logic is still a pox upon the land ...

Good luck, and thanks again. You inspire me to put more and more efforts into the RKBA.