I have a feeling that NICS will have a total "breakdown", especially if Bore is elected (or scams his way into it). Everyone here has a computer right? Everyone here knows about "certain" things a computer does at the worse time possible". I wouldn't be surprised if they (the gov) came out tomorrow and stated that, "NICS will be down for a year (or more) due to tech. difficulties". This was a BAD idea to begin with and will always be a BAD idea. To "trust" some one at a keyboard or an administrator to always ensure a system is up and running. One good "cyber attack" could and would destroy the system for months, and that means that NO ONE will be able to purchase any legal tool for that amount of time. They could "network" the entire system to be on-line 24/7/52/365 but they won't.. it doesn't play into their "oops, the system crashed" routine. They can crash a system at any time, without really going down, but if us peeons can see if the system is really up (or down) will cause problems for the elite. I foresee them "going down" for longer amounts of time until they come out and say, "sorry, guns can't be bought any longer, our system is dead". Good way to "ban" guns without really coming out and saying that guns are "banned".