NICS - Permanant delay


New member
Last month, I sent in my packet to purchase an M1 rifle from the CMP. . I called the CMP this morning to check on my status - my NICS background check had not returned. After I called NICS, they could only tell me "still processing" & can not legally give any more information. Called CMP back and they said they will call NICS occasionally to check status of checks not yet returned.

Technically after 3 days if an FFL does not hear from NICS, the transaction can take place. BUT, CMP is not a "normal" FFL and they will not send a rifle without approval from NICS. I had made a purchase from a local FFL in January, and it was approved within an hour. CMP send NICS the info over three weeks ago. I have never been in trouble.

Well, NICS told me I could get my FBI file for $18 and a set of fingerprints mailed to the FBI. OR wait a while and "maybee it will process through".

So there are 3 things that can happen to your check:
1. Approval
2. Denial
3. Permanant Limbo

Well, something sounds fishy to me. Perhaps I was too hard on my Senator for being a traitor. Or called my congressman too many times about gun legislation. Or purchased too many guns in my lifetime. Or I am a member of TFL. Or I am an NRA member. (getting paranoid)...

Anyone else have any problems? Remember, big bro is watching (the wrong people)...

Last week I picked up 7 guns on three checks (TN mandates no more than 3 guns/ check). All the backgrounds were done within 1 minute of them being sent to the computer.

For those leaning towards the idea that people who buy lots of guns or the wrong kinds of guns get bonked out... I didn't.. Knock on Wood, I have had good success with background checks and I pick up a LOT of guns, including many "bad" ones.

Sorry to hear about your problem, but I don't think it is indicative of a large scale problem or consipiracy.

ARBLACK, please contact the NRA about this if you haven't already. They are keeping a close eye on abuses if NICS and they need to know these things.

I bought an AR 15 in May through my local FFL who was good enough to do a transfer for me for $20 from a dealer in Ca.NICS put me on delay status. After 3 business days I was still on delay status and my FFL gave me the rifle. I contacted NRA and they told me to write my state reps. and inform them of this "instant check" problem as many of our legislators are concerned about the efficiency of "instant check". I even gave my SSN to avoid any the possibility of a check with someone of my same name. My FFL never heard back, so I guess I'm in permanent limbo also? Does anyone know? I am am not a felon or have any other reason for denial.
I would suspect that they werent ready for the influx of requests of the instachk system, and it could be that they can slow things down and use that as a way to encourage legislators to increase the waiting period....fubsy.
It's all BS , the program is set up to auotmatically compare the applicant name , address, DL #, SS # , to any matches on file of felons or persons under indictment without a human even looking at it. I think that its set up so that they delay a certain number of them as a matter of course, and then too the persons name may be similar to an alias used by a perp or con, in which case it gets pulled up for review by a human... who may or maynot be inclined to finish his or her 'in basket' this week.

Ain't life as a minority grand?

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
They probably have the system set up to kick any flagged checks to a well-trained, highly motivated, and intelligent government service agent. Said agent then goes on vacation.
CMOS -- I called NRA-ILA and they had me fax a letter to them telling of the problem I'm having. They will keep a copy on file for further use on NICS problems. Also, they are supposed to get back to me for advice. The ODCMP tells me just to wait another month and then call again on the status.

sigh :(

Bummer. Good thing there's not a riot going on hmm? You'd already be dead.

When this situation get's cleard up please post a thread and let us know.

We need a "revolution" badly. It's not just about the anti-gun sentiments, it's about the governements ignorance, avoidance and inability to ENFORCE the laws we have.

Why is that so hard for some to see? We need to apply pressure to make them enforce the laws.
