NICS On Hold Process


New member
I lived in Florida until a recent move to Georgia. I had a CCP in Florida and here as well. I went to buy a new gun and a Hold was put on the transaction by those good ole NICS folks for seven days. When I lived in Florida there was a customer service number you can call and they would typically check and clear the hold. They have a nimber in Georgia as well but when yyou call its a recorded voice saying you have to wait until tehhold clears or zn additional 30 days to file an appeal.

I know NICS is a federal this a state function but withhold regulated by state? Seems odd for it to be so easy in Florida and so different in Georgia. :confused:
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I have purchased several firearms since getting into shooting, and I have been delayed on every single one. No explanation why. No firm proceed or deny. Just delay. I've had to learn which shops will and won't sell me a gun because of it. I also figured out that Mondays are the best days to get the ball rolling because I can pick up my new guns on Fridays. It can be a real PIA. I've thought about getting a UPIN, but haven't done it yet.
I also have a Georgia Weapons License and since I have it no NICS check is required. If the shop you went to requires the check maybe you should try another store.
Actually in Georgia the Weapons License acts as your background check. I believe some shops still make the check, but don't think it is required by law.

Now, to be clear if a person does not have the Georgia Weapons License a NICS check is required, but I believe the OP said he had Ga and Fla licenses/permits.
I do have a GA carry permit. My confusion is I thought NICS is a federal form/approval so how can different states treat it differently? If GA decides to ignore it why fill out and submit the form. FL has a three day wait for handguns but if you pass the NICS check you can leave the shop with it once you pass.
is GA a state system or do they use the Federal one?
Georgia uses the NICS system. There is no state-level layer. The hold is from the FBI.

The dealer can call NICS for a status update, but it usually doesn't help.
I know NICS is federal but the states seem to have big differences I how they manage the system. In Florida I always got the hold removed by calling. Not so in GA.
I am delayed 3 days everytime. I just fill out the paperwork a few days before the gun arrives and when it comes in i am good to go
I do have a GA carry permit. My confusion is I thought NICS is a federal form/approval so how can different states treat it differently? If GA decides to ignore it why fill out and submit the form. FL has a three day wait for handguns but if you pass the NICS check you can leave the shop with it once you pass.

You can leave the shop without the wait ONLY if you have a FL CCW. If you do not, you wait 3 days. FL does NOT use the NICS system, they have their own - which is the reason there is a $5 additional fee from the FFL.
From what I can tell, there are a few different causes for being delayed

You have a complicated past
Someone with the same name as you has a complicated past
You have a common last name
Someone related to you has a complicated past
The NICS system is busy/ overwhelmed (there's a lot of delays around the holidays)
You were born in a foreign country or have a complicated citizenship

This is just things I've noticed that make seem to make it more likely to be delayed
I'm learning something. Because of the initials and name I thought the NICS was federal and required by the federal government. The forms are the same in every state and every time I've bought a gun in any state I have been required to fill one out. So if I read laytonj1 right this is not the case and states don't have to use the system. That implies some states may not require you to fill out a NICS form ?
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Minorcan I'm learning something. Because of the initials and name I thought the NICS was federal and required by the federal government.
It is.
But not all states use the FBI NICS directly. Some states have a state point of contact that the dealer will call.

The forms are the same in every state and every time I've bought a gun in any state I have been required to fill one out. So if I read laytonj1 right this is not thecaseand states don't have to use the system. That implies some states may not require you to fill out a NICS form ?
There is no such thing as a "NICS form".
No matter what the state, anyone who buys a firearm from a licensed dealer completes and signs an ATF Form 4473.

If the buyer has a firearm permit that qualifies as an exemption to the Brady Law, then the dealer merely records the number and expiration date of that permit. If the buyer does not hold such a permit, or if that particular state does not have any NICS exempt permits, then the dealer contacts FBI NICS for a background check. In those states that serve as their own POC (point of contact) then the dealer will call the designated state agency for the background check.
Ruga Booga said:
I am delayed 3 days everytime. I just fill out the paperwork a few days before the gun arrives and when it comes in i am good to go
If your dealer is willing to break the rules and let you do this, it's probably just on him. But I still wouldn't recommend posting it on a public forum.
In PA we proudly use PICS.
And as mentioned above, you can't do a "pre-check" or early could commit 20 felonies between the submission of paperwork and receipt of the firearm!