NICS denial - help?


Back in the day when I was young and had the world by the konahas, apparently I was charged with either assault & battery or obstructing an officer. This happened 1969 in Lansing, Michigan and I don't remember anything about this situation. My problem is this: I moved from Michigan many years ago and have been in Tennessee ever since. Through the years I have purchased many guns but my latest attempt was just that, it didn't go through because of this charge in 1969 in Michigan. I will be 58 years old this October and have no criminal record or driving record. Is this charge going to be an on going problem for me or is there any way to have it removed from my record. This is important to me as within a year or so I will be moving back to Michigan. By the way, it is not my idea to move back to Michigan but I am on disability and receive very little money so reside with my folks. I also have a CCW permit and am now wondering if I will be able to get one in Michigan? Any help or advice will be appreciated. "God bless and pee on Nobama". I may be contacted at shadowwodahs - at - clearwire dot net
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Have you done the NICS appeal process yet? That might clear everything up and they can give you NICS PIN to keep it from happening in the future.
VAF form

Thanks for the VAF form, but what I really want to know is: Is it possible to have this stupid 40 year old charge removed from my record.
One possibility is that there was something unusual about the disposition of your case. NICS may have flagged you because they know you were arrested, but they don't have verification that the case was dismissed. Maybe Michigan just digitized that old arrest record, and that's why it hasn't been a problem before. Who knows.

It's also possible that someone with your name has recently become prohibited, and that it has nothing at all to do with your ancient arrest in Michigan.

It's probably easier to go through the NICS appeal than to get the arrest record expunged (if it isn't already). Even if you get rid of the arrest record and it was the reason you got flagged, I wouldn't be surprised if NICS keeps you flagged until you go through their appeals process.

And, of course, if you do want to get a Michigan arrest record expunged, you should contact a lawyer licensed to practice law in Michigan.
The NICS appeal is free. The lawyer to get the arrest expunged, if even possible is going to cost you $250/hr. Which would you rather try first?
Small flame....

you got arrested for something and don't remember how it turned out?

think real hard.... was there a court room later on... with maybe a lot of people standing around and a person with a black robe sitting behind a desk?

what did they say?

I got arrested back in 1978 and I can tell you I remember every little bit of it as well as what became of it and what I said to the judge, what my lawyer said to the judge and what the judge said at the end.

also, you were either 16 or 17 years old in 1969... would that not have made you a minor?
Hmm. Do we know the OP's disability has nothing to do with memory? Let's have a modicum of kindness here; everything doesn't have to become a flame opportunity.
shadowwodahs, I strongly recommend you remove your email address from your signature line. Spammers crawl the Internet looking for addresses; yours is now in full view, and you'll get thousands of spam emails if you don't remove it before the search engines index this page.

I would love to remove my email address, but since I have requested about 4 times to have my email changed on this forum and nothing has changed, what can I do. Thanks to all for your support with this problem and I will try for an appeal.
Go to "User CP" at the top and then "edit signature" on the left. You should then be able to remove that email address from your signature. That has nothing to do with the email address on file for your account at TFL.

Hope this is helpful.

to dowse my flame a little....

I'd talk to the folks in charge of concealed permits in Mich and find out what you need to do to meet their requirements.