Nics check system

Technically it was the FBI that started the NICS system. ;):p

To answer the question I think you're actually asking, the NICS system was added to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act as a compromise to overcome NRA opposition to the legislation as originally drafted, which would have imposed a standing five-day waiting period for firearm purchases, forever—full stop. :mad:

In other words, neither the Brady Campaign nor the NRA really got everything they wanted, although I'd argue that the Brady Campaign got more of what they wanted because they got federal background checks on dealer purchases.
You're correct. As its name suggests, the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Act) of 1993, which created the NICS, was the result of pressure by the Brady Campaign. The NRA opposed it.
magnum777 Is it true that the NRA started the NICS check system? I always thought it te the Brady campaign.
No, Congress is who passes laws. While the NRA/Brady Campaign/Girl Scouts/etc may lobby for/against particular legislation, only Congress made it law and signed by the President.

The 1993 Brady law required a five day waiting period with the criminal background check done by your local police dept. In 1997 the USSC ruled that requirement unconstitutional. The five day waiting period and the rest of the law remained intact.

The NICS didn't come into being until 1998 and replaced the five day waiting period.

FITASC But not every state uses the FBI system either; one reason I oppose UBCs run by the FBI
No, every state DOES use the FBI NICS. But some states choose to use a state agency as the point of contact for the dealer. Some of those states charge a fee to the dealer despite the FBI NICS being a free service.

Don't think for a minute your info is any safer or your background check any more thorough with your state POC running the check.
For what it's worth, the NSSF is in favor of the Fix NICS bill:

Contact your U.S. Senators Today
Urge them to support the Fix NICS Act S.2135

Federally licensed firearms retailers rely upon NICS to be accurate in order to prevent the sale and transfer of firearms to prohibited persons. President Trump has called on Congress to address the deficiencies in the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) System.

NSSF government relations staff has learned that the U.S. Senate could be voting on the Fix NICS Act, S.2135 as early as this week. This important legislation, which is a top priority of NSSF, will condition federal grants to states to incentivize them to submit disqualifying records into the NICS database, while punishing agencies who fail to do so.

Email and call your two U.S. Senators at 202.224.3121 and urge them to support this important bipartisan bill.
In other words, neither the Brady Campaign nor the NRA really got everything they wanted

IMO, this is how politics are supposed to work. Instead today we just have "ban everything" vs "don't do anything, we don't have a problem". We have two sides with their feet firmly in the ground and won't budge or educate themselves to try to actually come to a solution instead of pushing their agenda.
We have two sides with their feet firmly in the ground and won't budge or educate themselves to try to actually come to a solution instead of pushing their agenda.

Yes, I understand the sentiment, but not sure it is totally true that the NRA doesn't want to do anything. They have been pushing several initiatives related to hardening schools, increasing enforcement of current gun laws and improving background checks for some time.
We have two sides with their feet firmly in the ground and won't budge or educate themselves to try to actually come to a solution instead of pushing their agenda.
What solution are they ignoring, then?
What solution are they ignoring, then?

I don't think we'll have one until we can understand the differences between the majority of people that decide not to kill and the few that do. But neither side seems to be pushing to understand it.