Nickle Smith M57 deal at LGS


New member
I dislike inquiring like this for a value but google-foo just takes me to online auction sites with crazy prices. Sitrep-----my lgs has a -1 Model 57, nickle, with 4" barrel, no box or extra's, used of course but in nice condition. What research tells me, it's late 70's with the 3 T's that was being built into the gun by that time-----"Target" trigger, sights, and hammer. I have the chance to buy it for 900 or it stays in his personal collection, it just came in the door recently on another deal. Not sure where the price is on this gun nowadays. Thanks.
Not an expert or even close. But that seems like a good deal . If I liked it and had the cash I would be all over it.

Besides the way SW revolver prices are rising,in a year or two it will be worth more than you paid.
It's one of those guns I've been keeping an eye out for over the years, just surprised when he brought it out. Owners do not let them go easily, but a guy brought it to the shop, along with a 6" nickle M29 -3 for another deal.
I am not sure that I would classify $900 for a nice condition 57-1, 4", nickle as a screaming deal. But, it would be hard for me to walk away from.
I agree with the last post by muzzle, while it not a steal a good solid N frame with the 3 t's is getting hard to find in good condition in my area. If you have the money and want the gun I would go for it. It seems a nice 4" gun is something that gets bough and hardly ever sold.
That’s not a bad deal. Seems like fair market value is:
$1100-$1200 blue, 99+% condition, with all the extras
$1000 same, but without extras

Is nickel + or - value.....likely an add’r.....

My guess is $1100 in 99+% condition, but most guns in great condition are $100-$200 minus to that..

Locally, i’d bet a 41 mag would be nearly impossible to sell and that should be factored in...
I would not pay 900 for a 57-1. That's the post P&R model and not nearly as desirable. But that's just me. You decide if you want it and what it's worth to you. I'm old, I recall when the P&R was dropped in 1982, and I considered it a cheapening of the guns and never got over it. Again, just me.

BTW, here's my 4" Model 57 in nickel.

57-1’s ran from 1982 (eliminate pinned barrel and counterbored chambers) to 1987 (new yoke retention system).
While not as desirable a collector as the no dash it’s still a very desirable pre lock / pre mim gun. And a 4” nickel N frame is still a very cool looking gun...

I am not a fan of nickle revolvers, and I don't my 657 often, but at $900 the price is close enough for something you'll never see again, so I'd buy it.
Look at Guns International web site. They list 34 Model 57's for sale.

Those listing should give you a idea of what they sell for on todays market.
Seems to be one of those things, been looking locally for the past ten years or so and ya just don't see them around here (Muskegon Michigan). The quandary of throw down and own one finally, or wait:mad I'll talk with the lgs guy, we've done deals over the years back and forth. Maybe knock a few more dollars off, maybe not. As an aside, what he wants in straight trade is my engraved M28 no dash HP. No deal on that :D
I have owned 2 M58s with the fixed sights, and I was also issued 2 others in my days working for DOD. So I have used 4 of them, and I always had a good appreciation for the 41 mag. I kick myself for selling my 2, and someday I may get one to replace them. There is really nothing I'd do with a 41 that I can't do with a 44 special, or a 44 magnum, or a 45 Auto-Rim, all of which I have.
But dang..................I just think I should have a 41 .............just "cuzz"
I paid more than that recently for a 57 "no dash" in blue with the presentation case. I bought it in spite of the fact that it's a 41 magnum, not because of it. It was just such a nice gun, I couldn't pass it up. I'm such a sucker for a 4" barrel.

I bought bullets, brass, dies and such and have loaded some light end loads and have fired it, but I doubt I will much more. It's a nice shooter.

Around here, $900 would be not quite a steal, but it's not outrageous.
It's not a screaming good deal, but it's a deal that both you and the seller should be happy with because it's fair.

The 4" 57 seems to be a bit less common than longer barrel lengths. Not sure why, but I rarely see 4" 57s.

Back in 2010 I paid that much for a 4" blued Model 25-5 in .45 Long Colt.
I bought a 657-4 (Stainless 4" Mountain) that I bought several years ago from a retiring FBI agent. Love it, shoot it a few 100 rounds a year. People have told me I need to baby it and keep it pristine for resale value. I just shoot it, I don't plan on ever selling it.