nickel cleaning


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Just picked up a beretta 85 in nickel and wondering, what is the best compound to use in keeping it in that "new gun" appearance? I know not to use Flitz as it will take off the finish. Thanks
Wipe with a clean, soft cloth.

If you want, you can apply a good wax like Renaissance Carnuba wax or Johnson's Paste Wax.
DO NOT use auto wax, many contain abrasives to polish paint and can damage guns.

I have the renaissance wax and cleaner also, can the cleaner be used prior to wax application to remove crud from firing, or just use a clean cloth to wipe down?
Don't use Hoppes #9 either. I love Hoppes #9, the smell, the way it cleans, etc., but it will strip Nickel finish off a gun in short order.
I know not to use Flitz as it will take off the finish. Thanks

Flitz says on the label that it will clean nickel. Many many people use flitz to clean nickel. Ammonia and hoppes #9 will remove nickel unless its that electorless nickel plating like some Colts have.
If you want to polish nickel, use a blue color polish ( whether its a compound or a liquid ). Blue is a coloring only polish. White is a buffing/polishing compound ( again liquid or solid ).

Mothers mag wheel paste ( white ) is good for cleaning and removing light scratches. Just use a cotton flannel and change spots on the flannel frequently. As soon as it turns black, move to a clean spot ( the flannel will turn black ). Finish with a blue polish if you want a really illustrious shine. If you only need to get the shine back, start with the blue.

Do this by hand, not with a buffing wheel. Unless you need to remove scratches. Just becareful using a wheel.

If you need more info, let me know, I polish and plate everyday.

Good luck
Hoppes #9 will not hurt nickel, as long as you don't soak the plating, and you remove the #9 after using it.
You can polish nickel with Flitz or Simichrome-but it removes some of the plating each time you use it. You have no indicator that you are removing too much of the plating until you cut through it to bare steel. I don't recommend it.