Nickel Boron BCG Discoloration, et al.


New member
I am curious, I have a nickel boron BCG which has discolored. I lazily thought it was just dirty; however, after ultrasonic cleaning, its retained the discoloration. Was curious what could have caused this, if its normal for NiB to discolor like this.

et al. I had the heat in the cleaner a bit high, 50C, and was using a 1:4 diluted acidic cleaner [Bulldog]. I dont think I will use that again as it stripped the paint off of two of my charging handles. This is a perfect example why I work on MY guns first with new ideas.
You can try using Simichrome polish to remove the discoloration.
If the part is bright polished, use a rag and very light pressure.
If the finish is blasted, use the polish on a toothbrush. Again, very light pressure!
Remember- you will actually be removing some plating when doing this.
Once or twice shouldn't matter, though.