Nice Young Buck Deer Poached


New member
i've owned this property since 2000. Every year the game cameras take photos of good buck deer. All those deer disappear before bow season starts on 1 October: They are poached by the guy who pastures the adjoining property to the west. He trespassed on the property of all the neighbors and shocked everyone's fish ponds.

For years that poacher took advantage of an OK law that allowed trespassing "while looking for strayed livestock". The scumbag always had a gun "because of the hogs". The OK legislature finally passed legislation removing that law from the books: Now the farmer must get the landowners permission before searching for his livestock.

This is a fine 2 1/2 year old buck:

Here is that buck being shot. The date on the photo is wrong, probably because the camera was previously tampered with:

Next time that guys cows come on the place one or more are subject to become Angus burgers.
What does the law say about his cattle on your property. If there is a loophole concerning them. I would butcher every last one that crossed the line. When he finally asks about the cattle. Tell him it's the price he is paying for the deer he has poached on your property. Maybe he will get the message.

Where's the footage of him recovering the deer and calling the dnr?

That place is 75 miles from my home: i go over there about every 2-3 weeks. i never saw the dead deer. That deer was coming in nearly every day. He has not been seen since the photo of him falling was taken.

My game camera had been tampered with and photos deleted.

The poacher spotlights from his truck parked in the cattle pasture up the hill.

The OWDC is well aware of the situation. If he gets caught spotlighting his gun and truck belong to the OWDC.
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I *thought* OK had similar trespass laws as Texas???

Is your property posted?

If he was south of the Red, he'd be pushing his luck if not his life.
Time for a second camera, very well hidden, watching the first.

I'd get the evidence I needed to throw that dude in jail...

Is your property posted?

Yes. It's been posted for years. In June i renewed the signs. Recently fixed up a building on the place. Will be staying there for a few days/nights at a time.

The guy is pushing his luck.
Sounds like you need more cameras and if you can afford it they have some that upload pictures automatically. Also even when images are deleted from a camera memory card it can be recovered with software in most cases.
That sucks. Buck fever is going around, it makes grown men act worse than bucks during the rut. I hope the GW gets him.
Data recovery

I would almost bet you could find a volunteer to recover the data on that card to bust a poacher.

Poachers suck!!!
Because he is probably a moron

The guy is a moron. He's the blacksheep of a dysfunctional family. A few years ago the guy trespassed on the property of his brother and killed a huge trophy buck. The case went to court and the moron won because he had previously been allowed to hunt on his brothers place. The judge did award the antlers to the landowner.

Visited my property there yesterday. Several trespass signs had been torn down, probably in anticipation of deer season. The signs were replaced. Hid two game cameras on the place. The deer feeder will be taken down and placed in a more secluded area much further from the property line. Its present location makes deer there magnets for that poacher.

Since i bought that place i've killed only two deer there: Both were does. i want my son and granddaughters to kill good buck deer there: Maybe that's too much to wish for.

We have a few hunting rules: We do not shoot deer under feeders. Adults do not shoot deer in small game plots but kids are allowed to. Wild hogs get shot wherever we find them. i have killed a few dozen wild hogs on that place, most of them under or near that feeder.
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why would he tamper with the camera instead of breaking it or taking it with him?

A coupla years ago a good friend had a group of Coyote hunters ask if they could hunt his property. He politely told them no. After they continued to try and persuade him to allow them access, he mistakenly told them he didn't have time to argue, that he was on his way out the door to a grandchild's birthday party. When he came home later that day he observed something protruding from his open mailbox. It was one of his trailcams broken in pieces. Wondering what had happened, he proceeded to go to the area where the camera had been located. On his way there he came across an open gate with several truck tracks leading thru it in the snow. Following the truck tracks, he came to a spot where several dogs and humans had been let out. Following the tracks farther, he found where they had cut a fence so they could continue to drive farther on his property. When he came to the place where the camera had been taken, he saw that the truck had been parked and humans and dogs loaded back up. There was also blood in the snow from what he assumed was a dead coyote. He then called the cops who took pictures of the tire tracks and took the damaged trailcam with them. They were able to obtain finger prints from the damaged camera. Since the hunter that had originally asked permission was well known in the area, it did not take a whole lot of police work to match the tracks to his truck. Since it snowed the next day, had the idiot not have put the trailcam in the mailbox outta spite, there would have been no tracks nor any finger prints to implicate him and his buddies. Stupid is what stupid does.
2 thoughts come to mind....

1) What the heck are you feeding those deer??? The rack is HUGE compared to around here!!!:eek:

2) I'll let you borrow my ghille suit, and let the "deer shoot back"...;)
What the heck are you feeding those deer??? The rack is HUGE compared to around here!!!

About half soybeans and half corn. It dispenses one pound at daybreak and one pound 30 minutes before sunset. The deer sometimes come early and hang out until the feeder runs. If you feed too much the hogs come, camp out and run the deer off.

That's the only feeder we run year around.