Nice Rifle Case


New member
Need a lead on a good rifle case for a 30-06 scoped. There is so much Crap out there I don't want to order one to have it shipped to my home to find out I found the Crap. I'd like to pay around $100 any leads would be appreciated greatly.
Hard case features anything that will keep the rifle in good shape to and from the range, hunting and home storage. Storage compartments not needed like soft cases have not important other then Rifle just Its new home. Locks not important will never see an airplane. Water proof not important.:p
Would like to do an online purchase.
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Your right Hard case features anything that will keep the rifle in good shape to and from the range, hunting and home storage. Storage compartments not needed like soft cases have not important other then Rifle just Its new home.
I'd recommend a Storm case or the like, then. Hard shell case, extremely durable. You can cut the foam inside to fit a weapon of your choice. Will also do nicely tossed into the back of a truck to go hunting or whatever.
For simply going back and forth to the range I use a Plano Airglide. Inexpensive, but the way the rifle sits in the case keeps the scope from touching anything and getting knocked around. I wouldn't drop the case off a 3 story building, but for range and field trips it's been perfect for me. More than strong enough to handle riding around in the trunk or back of a truck and it's long enough to handle a Swedish M96 I have with a 29" barrel.
Case by case...

Get it?
Im a punny guy tonight. Lol.
Really, for a decent high quality rifle case, check these sources: .
Pelican offers great secure hard cases in many sizes & colors(orange, yellow, silver, black, OD). Blackhawk sells mats/scoped rifle cases meant for snipers/marksmen.
They sell nylon-fabric type cases that are "discreet" too, ;) .
ps; I've heard of a few "armed professionals" & rifle shooters who'd use keyboard cases.