NFL Quarterback buys guns for lineman


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Carson Wentz, Quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, bought Shotguns for his offensive linemen for Christmas. I don't know the exact model but I believe they are Berettas and will have the Linemen's names engraved on them. Makes me wish I was a linemen in the NFL. But, at 5'11", 160 lbs and only able to bench press a single shot shotgun, I'm afraid I may not make the cut.
Hmm I wonder if this gets the same press as the Cowboys running back giving his line those off road like golf cart things . If it gets any I'm sure it won't be good .
Well THAT should keep him safer in the pocket when attempting a pass but I think the NFL has some rules about that.

Then again, facing a group of offensive linemen armed with scatter guns a ref might be reluctant to throw a flag...or if he did throw the yellow hankie...PULL!!! and tiny bits of fabric float to the ground.
They're Beretta Silver Pigeons, apparently, and customized only to the extent of the engraving on the butt plate. (I'd bet some of those big guys might actually need a bit more than that by way of customizing...) Not too bad for a rookie QB, but as Metal God said, he's kinda been upstaged by another rookie, Zeke Elliott, who gave his entire OL ATVs. But Wentz will probably get more press coverage -- for better or worse.
I remember back in the day when Walter Payton (who had quite a large collection of firearms when he died) bought shotguns for all of his offensive linemen.