NFA Transfer and Forms

James K

Member In Memoriam
The intrastate (within a state) transfer of an NFA firearm does not need to be handled by a Class III dealer. Both transferor and transferee (seller and buyer) must be residents of the state and state law must permit the transfer.

In this case, there is only a single transfer and a single $200 transfer tax.

You do not need a dealer to fill out or send in the forms. You do need CLEO signature. Here is the scoop.

Anyone can order any BATF forms directly from:

BATF Distribution Center

7664-K Fullerton Road
Springfield, VA 22153
P.O. Box 5950
Springfield, VA 22150-5950

There is no charge.

The NFA firearm transfer form is ATF Form 4. Get a couple in case you mess one set up. Tell them to include fingerprint cards. If they don't, it is the standard FBI blue form FD-258 marked APPLICANT; you need two and can get them wherever you get the prints taken.

Return original, one carbon, one 2"x2" photo, two fingerprint cards and a check or money order for the tax ($5 or $200) to the address shown on the form. Keep a copy in case the paperwork gets lost and you have to do it again. It is of no concern to BATF who wrote the check. A bank money order may be preferable, since they will wait for a check to clear before doing anything.

When you get the approval back, the buyer gets the original and should keep it in a safe place. It is proof of lawful ownership and registration of the firearm. The seller should make a copy as his proof of sale and change of registation. The buyer should make copies to carry with the firearm any time it is taken from the residence. The copy will usually satisfy any LEO as to lawful ownership of the firearm.


P.S. There is no fixed time for appoval. I have seen them return the OK in three weeks. Depends on a lot of factors.


[This message

[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited May 01, 1999).]
A few comments on your post...

you can pick up most of the ATF forms at the following website: BTW, it *does* matter where you get your fingerprint cards. You need to use the set the ATF provides - the box marked ORI, for originating agency, is filled in with ATF, Washington DC. If you get cards from your local cop shop or anywhere else, the FBI will send them to the agency in the ORI box when they finish their check. And your local Sheriff may or may not toss them in the trash. In any event, the folks at ATF will *not* receive them and your transfer will sit and sit and sit.

danbrew :->
Good evening, Danbrew,

You are 100% right on the fingerprint cards, my error. I have known people to use MSP forms and they got approval OK. Maybe BATF or FBI corrected them. The light dawns that some of those long delays I hear about may be due to this cause. Thanks for correction.
