Next summer's plans


Staff Alumnus
This may be a bit premature, but then, maybe not.

I'll be attending the Libertarian Party 2000 convention. I would <blink>strongly</blink> urge all gun owners to do the same.

The convention will be 30 June through 4 July, in Anaheim, PRK. Exact location and cost have yet to be determined.

This is, of course, contingent upon several external factors:

1) That we still have freedom of movement;
2) That we haven't been marched off to the camps;
3) That parties which support the 2A haven't been outlawed.

ps: Sorry about the evil blinking thing.
Freedom of movement can be a thing of the past. All it would take would be *rumors* of roadblocks...anyone uninterested in close encounters of official kind would either stay put or use air to travel (which is worse in the ways of self-defense).

Cornered Rat, recently with the NRA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
From :Ivan8883 6-11-99 605PM EDT Coinnach and Cornered Rat, you guys are on line with the worry of Martial Law in the works.I have been trying to spread the word about this possible threat as we see urban warfare operations by Delta Force Nightstalkers out of FT. Bragg around the country and also Marine urban warfare operations in various areas(this week in Richmind, Va. The executive orders by Comrade are ready to roll once a emergency is declared. Shortwave Radio and such websites as are invaluable for getting the word out to the many uninformed. Some of us are worried that we have seen our last election for President. Hope I am wrong,believe me. Ivan8883
I'll be there, and by the way...
I don't mind the <blink>blinking</blink>, I just want to know how you did it.

Same Shot, Different Day

[This message has been edited by SameShot (edited June 12, 1999).]
You want to see roadblocks? Earlier this year my wife and I went to Utah to visit my daughter. Upon entering the State of Utah, we were stopped by a roadblock with federal officers (DEA and FBI) armed with MP-5's. We had to show ID, vehicle registration, and state purpose of trip. There were two black helicopters.(Hughes 500's) When I asked them what was going on, I was told it was none of my business. There were about 40 of them with their all black outfits. The only thing missing was the ninja masks. Scary as hell.
Paul B.
if y'all can do it,<blink>i can too!

what me worry? hell yes!!

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 12, 1999).]
Ah, Paul B? Questions:

1. When did you come to Utah?

2. What Road were you on?

3. Where was this road block?

4. What did these thugs say? What were they looking for?

As a resident of Utah - this has me a little concerned.
Last year I was driving to Virgina from Utah, and was passing through STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, there was a large roadblock there we had to pass through - but it was only Department of Fish and Game and the local Sheriff's boys checking hunters for game related stuff.

I hate road blocks. I feel they are unconstitutional. In Richmond we had several - And every time I was asked to consent to a search, I flatly refused, and when they pushed, I asked them to articulate there PC. Since they had no real PC, I drove on.
