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"next" newest, "next" oldest topic

Brett Bellmore

New member
Alright, I realize this is some SERIOUS nit-picking, but it's beginning to grate on my nerves;

The "next newest topic" would be, as I understand english grammar, LESS new than the topic you're at, and therefore actually OLDER. The "next oldest topic" would be LESS old than the topic you're at, and thus actually NEWER. In other words, the exact reverse of the way those links function!

"newer topic" and "older topic" would be both clear and gramatical. Don't go to any trouble to change these on my account, I just had to vent the accumulated irritation. However, if you encounter my Jr. High school grammar instructor, be VERY afraid!

Sic semper tyranus!
Brett, You must be more a. retentive than I. I noticed this from day one, but you actually wrote about it! :)

I agree that they should be older/newer rather than oldest/newest. But, otherwise I think they are worded correctly. I interpret them to mean "the next topic which is older than the current one", etc. Just pretend that the buttons are labeled in Klingon and then their spacial relationship is clearer (left to right, top to bottom). The one on the left points to a note higher on the list and the one on the right points to one lower on the list. (We both probably spent more time on this than it's worth. :D )

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited November 06, 1999).]