Newt Gingrich as Presidential Candidate?

Would you change your vote for Newt?

  • Yes, I would change from Rudy McRomney to Newt.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Nope, I support Rudy McRomney.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Yes, I would change from Huckabee to Newt.

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Nope, Chuck Norris would squish me for changing from Huckabee to Newt.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Yes, I would change from Paul to Newt.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Nope, I am a die hard Paulista.

    Votes: 11 45.8%

  • Total voters


Would Newt Gingrich entering the race cause you to change your vote from one of the Rudy McRomneys to Newt?

Would you change from Huckabee to Newt?

Would you change from Paul to Newt?
I'd rather vote for Gingrich than anyone running right now. The MSM and communist donkey party hated him so much they tried to erase him from existence, whereas the people I cannot stand they love. That's good enough endorsement for me.
Guys... Havent you realised that Fred was only out there to float the name so he could be Newtsters VP ? Just watch the leveraged convention and see .
I would have seriously considered supporting him if he threw his hat into the ring earlier. I think it would really rock the boat if he did now. I really like his principles as far as what direction this country needs to go. I don't agree with everything he says, but he would make a good president on paper.

However, he does have quite a bit of baggage. Hammering on Clinton about the Lewinsky scandal and then cheating himself won't go over with the general public. I don't have facts to back up my assertion, but IIRC, this may have been the case. I just used this example off the top of my head...

He is a pretty darn good communicator and being able to speak your cause that the general public would actually listen, not hear, goes a long way.
I didn't vote as I will support Paul as long as he is in the race. If he dropped or went 3rd party, I would reconsider at that time, but I wouldn't automatically go to Newt.
I'm not terribly fond of Newt. His 'Contract with America' was a classic example of a politician seeing a mob, running out in front of it, and yelling "Follow me!" in order to look like he whipped it up. That's in large part why we didn't get any votes on gun issues until the OK bombing provided an excuse to people we helped elect to stiff us. And even then he engineered the vote after the primaries, to make sure there couldn't be any retribution for wrong votes at the voting booth.

And the worst part was, after being stiffed to advance his 'contract', the contract turned out to be a farce, with all the stuff we might have liked stage managed to fail.

He's not our friend, he'd sacrifice our interests in an instant. Mind you, you could say that of any of the Republican front runners, but the point is, Newt isn't any different in that respect.
I'd vote for Newt in a minute, but doubt he'd have a chance in a general election. He's got too much 'baggage' from his time as Speaker and too many people consider him 'mean spirited'. He'd make a better president than any of the candidates, either Dem or Rep IMO.
No, I can't really see voting for a guy who a) had an affair and b) tells his wife he wants a divorce while she's undergoing cancer teatment. It doesn't speak well of his character.
Newt Gingrich was very much disliked by everyone except the extreme right wing while he was in office. I just don't see him as someone that is going to bring fence-sitters and moderates into the Republican party.
I like Newt. He's very smart, and I like the way he isn't intimidated by the left or the media (redundant ?). In fact, I think the left hates his because they're terrified of him.

But Ron Paul is a once in a lifetime candidate, and I'm sticking with him. If Paul drops out and Newt is running, I'd probably vote for him if Newt's okay on RKBA (I don't know his position or voting record on RKBA).