Newsweek article

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It's another shrill message from the anti-gun media. They are beating the drums for congress and the white house to do something. It does not matter that the new anti-gun law is not enforced. Something was done and that makes folks feel good.
Sure, why not take your political strategy from the same newsmagazine that sold for $1 recently? Might as well just grab a random Youtube commenter and have them draft your policy.

It is a stupid strategy for any number of reasons; although one I hope they pursue. I'd certainly prefer a standup fight in the House that wins us votes to some of the recent stealth gun control moves (redefining "sporting purposes" for shotguns, nominating Travers, etc.)
But today, Tombstone residents are free to pack concealed firearms pretty much wherever they want, without a permit. The state is now wilder than the Wild West.

That is the same old rhetoric that the Brady group uses time and time again. Just because they compare Arizona to the Wild West it doesn't make it so.
Tina Brown got Newsweek for a dollar more than it was worth to cross promote web her based Daily Beast. Typical liberal crybaby article pandering to its minority base. Now that the house has been taken back no gun control will ever make it out until it is retaken. But what most are missing is the way the POTUS is using regulation to ban what he hates and this would include Saiga Shotguns, knives, and coal and gas and oil and ............ Watch out for "regulation" or the courts as that is the way the other side has to operate as the elections have gone in the "right" direction.
I'm sorry but the OP is a drive-by. One comment about the OK corral isn't really enough.

Yes, I agree the article is the same old crap.

But closed.
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