Newspaper Error


The Daily News ( NY ) made an error on today's, PG 39.

This error is grossly negligent. They called this 10/22 in bull pup, a high powered tec 9 machine gun.

It is stuff like this is making the general public ( who dont know better ) panic and gives an edge to the antis.

Please call or write the dailynews (ny) and let them know of their mistake, and that in future reporting, if they are negligent about firearms, that there are people who will notice. (us). thanks

Daily news is located at 450 W. 33 Street, New York, NY 10001

Main phone number: (212) 210-2100

If it was a nerf gun, would it be called a grenade launcher assault weapon? Would a slingshot be an improvised concealable silenced weapon? They can dream up anything for thrills and chills. The cop should have known better.
what do you expect

a police department to say it was really not a danger to the entire western world. PDs and LEOs are always playing to the audience. They will use this as other stories to justify the need for their budget increases. And the idiots on most news papers can not tell a water pistol from a Glock.
It is stuff like this is making the general public ( who dont know better ) panic and gives an edge to the antis.

The "error" was purposeful, I am sure. The enemies of freedom are a nefarious bunch who willingly mislead the people for their own gain. How can anyone even consider "compromising" with such people on gun control or any other position.

a police department to say it was really not a danger to the entire western world. PDs and LEOs are always playing to the audience. They will use this as other stories to justify the need for their budget increases.
Journalists are lazy. If they are fed a line they will use it.

Journalists are time pressured. If they have to file a story in five minutes, that story will be filed.

Journalists are fame whores. If sensationalising a story makes it big and makes their reputation, they will sensationalise that story.

Jouralists are ill-informed. Journalists know how to write and make a story noteworthy. They do not need to know about anything else.
photo and article looks to be very big. kinda stands out and smacks you right in the face. if apologies and corrections are made by newspaper, they`ll probably print it in the middle of the obituaries.:rolleyes:
The claim of the newspaper being grossly negligent is just plain wrong, unless you can prove they did this intentionally or with wanton disregard of proper reporting.

The "error" was purposeful, I am sure. The enemies of freedom are a nefarious bunch who willingly mislead the people for their own gain. How can anyone even consider "compromising" with such people on gun control or any other position.

a police department to say it was really not a danger to the entire western world. PDs and LEOs are always playing to the audience. They will use this as other stories to justify the need for their budget increases.

First lesson in reporting

The first lesson any reporter learns is to never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Double Naught Spy
The claim of the newspaper being grossly negligent is just plain wrong, unless you can prove they did this intentionally or with wanton disregard of proper reporting.

Yeah, because the media never lies. Sheep are such cute animals.:rolleyes:

Double Naught Spy

What are you talking about? Did you just run out of meaningful things to say?