News from the National Anxiety Center


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While Americans are deluged with news of homicides, gun deaths dropped 2l% from 1993 to 1997, the lowest level in more than 30 years. Firearm related injuries fell 4l% according to figures provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2000 looks to be a year in which attacks on the 2nd Amendment right to own guns will increase, led by the White House. The claim is that guns and crime are synonymous, but serious crime in the U.S. continued its free fall during the first six months of 1999. Murder was down 13%, compared with the same period in 1998. Property crimes and burglary dropped 14%. Overall, violent crime was down 8% in the first months of 1999.

The continued cry for the registration and increased control of guns, despite an estimated 20,000 laws currently on the books, ignores a 1996 study by the University of Chicago Law School that analyzed crime data from every U.S. county over l5 years and found that violent crime fell after states made it legal to carry concealed weapons. Those that did, reduced their murder rates by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, and robberies by 3%, A 1997 Justice Department study found that as many as 1.5 million people use a gun in self-defense every year. It is estimated this saves society up to $38.9 billion annually.

While the killings in Columbine High School were a major story, deadly violence in U.S. schools has decreased in recent years and, despite ontinued news of isolated school incidents, 1998-99 may prove to be one of the safest school years this decade. Data from the Department of Justice and National School Safety Center supports the fact that schools remain among the safest places for children. Chances were approximately one in a million that a youngster would die violently at school.

For the record, Warning Signs is Copyright protected by Alan Caruba, 1999. Permission to quote in whole or in part is granted, as are links to Warning Signs, so long as attribution of the author and The National Anxiety Center is cited. Notification via email or other means of communication is requested.

Copyright 1999 Alan Caruba

All Rights Reserved.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
Thanks jimpeel - another site that's bookmarked. Lots of other non-gun but interesting stuff there. It seems the NWO types are busy on all fronts.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Got that from David Codrea whose site is:

Don't forget to get the latest copy of Guns and Ammo where David has one of his always excellent articles published.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
News from the Onion:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>As humanity moves into the dawn of a new and uncertain future, we look back upon our
collective past. In the annals of history, many have achieved greatness, yet one individual towers
above all others as the most significant single force of the last thousand years. Whether in war or
peace, feast or famine, prosperity or economic ruin, the Man Of The Millennium has touched all
our lives. No one has had a greater, more permanent impact on our shared human condition.

More than anyone else the passing age has truly belonged to the black-cloaked figure who
has been everpresent in our species' most horrific and agonized nightmares, the shrieking,
unstoppable wraith known as Death Himself.

Death: master of humanity and ultimate reaper of us all.

While other fads and fancies came and went this millennium, Death was always with us.
Over the course of the past 10 centuries, his merciless grip on our fragile mortal shells remained
constant, and his impact on our world only grew. While such would-be Men Of The Millennium
as Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler all rose only to ultimately fall, Death's fortunes never
ebbed. He is everywhere and in every thing. And, in the end, it is his name who is on everyone's
lips. He is the true mover and shaker, the ultimate trend. Whatever advances are made in health
and medicine, he will never be in danger of going out of style.

When the Saxons battled the Normans at Hastings in 1066, he was there, triumphantly
laughing amidst the blood and gore. When nearly half the population of Europe fell to the bubonic
plague in 1350, he was responsible. When the vaunted Spanish Armada sank beneath the
unforgiving waves in 1588, it was his bony hand that reached up to pull the screaming sailors to
their briny, sea-bottom graves. From the Battle of Agincourt to the mustard-gas attacks along the
trenches of World War I, he pulled the strings. And when the secrets of the atom were
unleashed upon Hiroshima, it was he who permanently etched the shadows of the ruined city's
schoolchildren on its blasted walls.

Death is ruler of all that is, conquering all and beholden to none. Never has there lived a single stalk of grass, beast of land, air or sea, or baby at its
mother's tender breast that has escaped him. He is the single driving constant that motivates our actions and shapes our fears and dreams before
spurring us on into eternal oblivion. We writhe helplessly in his cold embrace, all of us--loved and hated, rich and poor, small and great alike. No one is
too mighty for him to topple, and nothing is too insignificant to go unnoticed by his unceasing and relentless gaze. Behold Death: destroyer of kings,
conqueror of the mighty, despoiler of all that is.

Behold his awesome power and cry out in shame and terror!

Each year, The Onion chooses one influential person to honor above all others. Past winners have
included such individuals of consequence as John Ritter, The Denorex Guy and The Man. This tradition of
excellence has continued uninterrupted for thousands of years, with the sole exception of 1998, the only year
when no candidate could be found who met The Onion's lofty standards. Yet this year, the honor was even
more important, for it marked not just the selection of a man of the year, but of the entire millennium. It may
seem that no one could possibly be worthy of such a title.

Yet there is such a figure: Death, who, time and time again, proved his incomparable significance, not
only for this past millennium, but for all millennia. And he will continue to do so until the end of time itself.
Thus, The Onion's choice for Man Of The Millennium was clear. His name is known to every soul:


The cold, black, silent, eternal nothingness of nonexistence!

The inevitable, inescapable, unyielding embrace of the tomb!

The final, insistent beckoning arms of the grave!


Who can say they have not unleashed a shriek of unholy terror in the dead of night at the very contemplation of his omnipresent shroud? Who
dares pretend they are immune to the ultimate fate that awaits each of us? What fool defies him? All shall succumb! All shall perish in the cold,
uncaring, skeletal arms of He Who Shall Not Be Denied! Everywhere on the planet, in every moment of this sad and fleeting life, can be heard the
relentless pounding of his scythe upon the ground as he walks, echoing from mountain to seabed, sounding: "DOOM! DOOM! DOOM!"

What use is there in trying to resist him? What use is there in pretending to refuse his unending omnipotence? He has reigned supreme over all
creation, bowing to none, however powerful, however proud, for the last thousand years and forevermore!

Everyone who has ever lived since the dawn of time--wealthy or downtrodden, foolish or wise, innocent or guilty--they all are equal now in his
terrible faceless sight!


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Unfortunately, jimpeel, the anti-freedom fighters have never been much deterred from their position on this, or any issue, by the facts. As they see it, they are on a mission to ram their vision and version of reality down everyone else's throats, freedom be damned.

The anti-freedom fighters, at least in this country, thrive on the rampant ignorance and intellectual laziness seen in much of the American public. The average American can tell you more about their favorite sports team or television show or actor/actresss than they can about basic issues which profoundly affect their lives. Hell, many people think the president is like a king (well, Clinton probably does too), able to make or rescind laws at will. People know little or nothing about the way their own government works (or is supposed to work). It's a sad situation which I see only getting worse.

George Hill, thanks for the Onion post. I've been reading the Onion for over two years on the Internet, and I've always found it to be hilarious. The writing is excellent, the wit is razor-sharp, and the imagination involved is colossal. Do you know that (this is an allusion to the previous paragraph) that I've taken copies of some of the articles to work, left them lying in the break room, and then heard comments later asking if the events were real? Scary, huh?

Freedom in this country is ill and living on borrowed time; enjoy it before it expires. The fact that we're even having much of the debate in this country on the social/fiscal issues of today does not bode well for future freedom.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.