News from Shanghai: Man kills Five police with Knife!


New member
News today on the AP wire is that a man attacked Shanghai police and killed five with a wicked assault knife. LINK Four other officers and a security guard were wounded. As a quick reminder for those who don't know, Chinese police are sometimes armed but usually keep their firearms locked up and "safe".
We better look into getting butcher knives banned. They are too dangerous for anyone but professional butchers and chefs to own.
Violent street crime is rare in China, where private gun ownership is virtually banned.

I'm really surprised this disgusting non sequiter escaped notice here. In a story about a madman killing multiple victims with a knife, we have this gratuitous drive-by libel of gun owners, which was then picked up and printed verbatim in papers all over this republic.
Hmm, perhaps, just perhaps, if the people he attacked were armed, they may have been able to save their own lives, or the lives of their fellow leos.

Things like this boggle the mind.

When are people going to realize that PEOPLE are dangerous, NOT the TOOLS. A deranged person can take ANYTHING and kill you with it. A knife, a car, a freakin PENCIL.

I try to use the argument when faced with an anti, "how many people were killed by guns in the U.S. last year? Okay Great." "Now, how many people were killed by motor vehicles? What? 10x as many? WOW!" "So cars must be way more dangerous than guns, as they are used to kill WAY more people every year, so lets ban cars."

They always reply, "Well it wasn't the car's fault, it is an inanimate object. It was the person driving it!" And I say, "And the gun, also an inanimate object killed those people, or was it the person using it?"

You can SEE that they see the logic, but for some completely infuriating reason they refuse to accept it! They have family members killed by guns, and are scared to death of them and want them all destroyed, and yet they have family members killed in motor vehicles, and still use them every day.

GOD IN HEAVEN, why won't this obvious logical argument get through? Why can't they see their gun hatred is completely irrational? WHY!? WHY!?


Okay, I'm done......:o
Violent street crime is rare in China, where private gun ownership is virtually banned.
Yes, I thought that statement was a pretty blatant misrepresentation of fact. It should have read "Violent street crime is rare in China, where crime (including nonviolent offense and political crime) is routinely punished by killing the alleged offenders and harvesting their organs for sale."