News For North Carolinians, and other interested parties


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Received this via an NRA FaxAlert. Those from N.C. may want to back these folks up and maybe win a gun in the bargain. Think I'll find out how much the tickets are and buy one or two with the cavaeat that if I, as an out-of-stater, win, they should draw again. These "anti-violence" bozos are making me sick -- how soon before they start
carrying pitchforks and torches?

"Anti-gun organizations and the mainstream media have been working to draw attention
to the Hobgood Academy, a private school in Halifax County, North Carolina, because of a fund-raising event it has promoted. The event
is a raffle, and a winner will be chosen each day for five days, starting in December. So what's the big deal? The five prizes are five firearms. Raffling firearms, of course, is not rare, and the Academy will comply with all applicable laws. However, anti-gun organizations such as North
Carolinians Against Gun Violence have attempted to put a national spotlight on the raffle, and pressure the sponsors to cancel it. But Hobgood Academy Headmaster John Hardison says the raffle, which will
benefit the Future Farmers of America (FFA) class for high school students at Hobgood, will go on. Adults on the FFA advisory board approved the prizes, and, according to Hardison, the only questions that have been
raised, besides from supporters of gun control, were from one relative of two students. The folks at Hobgood might like to hear from you, and you can contact them at; Hobgood Academy, P.O. Box 307, Hobgood, NC 27843, Attn: Raffle."

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.