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The Calif. Condor program has saved this bird. But wait they're dying now from lead poisioning. Guess where the lead is coming from??? HUNTERS and unrecovered game. This one guy said what may be needed is a different type of bullet.

Look out you guys from Calif. they'll be wanting you to shoot rubber bullets.

Didn't one of Clinton's Surgeon Generals want a safer bullet. I bet Gore will embrace this.

I thought that those were the Condors released in Arizona????? There was an article in the paper about it a few days ago.
Of course they will blame the hunters. Another excuse to find a way to disarm us.
Seems like this is where I came in. Loons ate lead shot, so now we hunt ducks and geese with steel shot. What are they going to say next?????????
Let's face it. The Condor is nothing more than an oversized vulture. I sure don't want to see them extinct, but don't blame hunters. I think that's getting to be a scam.
Paul B.