News Flash, Liberman upset at Republican Demonstrations!

Pave Pilot

New member
Give me a break! He wasn't upset when he sent JJ down to stir things up...what a fraud.

Hey, I was doing the right thing for my country during the "massive civil diso". in the early 70s. Hey, now it's my turn, and they haven't seen anything yet.
Lieberman, Man of Principle, got hooked up with Gore and instantly turned into a lying weasel. He called it "a miracle", and sold himself out in his sweaty lust for admission to the WASP establishment inner circle. Fat chance. I couldn't care less what he thinks about anything, as long as I don't have to listen to his whining voice.

Like Al Gore, the Clintons, and the rest of the Democrats, Lieberman has no core values that he stands for. He is like the waves. He just blows with any wind that seems to be for a political advantage for his party. He puts party loyalty before honor and virtue. Those who support them are no better. I know people who say they are Christians who, in voting for the Dems, have put party loyalty before the God they claim to worship. I hope I have said this in a diplomatic manner. At least I think I may hope that. Jerry