News Article Claims "Obama Not Eligible to be President"

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A/C Guy

New member
A reporter in Las Vegas yesterday wrote an article disclosing that Barack Obama does not meet the criteria of "Natural Born" under U.S. law

US Law very clearly stipulates: “If only one parent was a US citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.”

Barack Obama’s father was not a US citizen, and Obama’s mother was only 18 when he was born, which means although she had been a US citizen for 10 years, his mother fails the test for being so for at least 5 years prior to Barack Obama’s birth.

In order for her child to have been a natural-born US citizen, his mother would have had to be 21 at the time of his birth.

In essence, Mrs. Obama was not old enough to qualify her son for automatic US citizenship.

His mother would have needed to have been 16+5 = 21 years old at the time of Barack Obama’s birth for him to have been a natural-born citizen.

Barack Obama instead should have been naturalized, but even then, that would still disqualify him from holding the office of President under current law.
Old news. Lot of stories out there about questionable birth certificates, etc. Stay tuned because Hillary is not out of the fight. When she comes out for the next round she will be using his ineligibility in some form or fashion. A real good indicator will be if a story surfaces in a Clinton controlled media outlet, a la Edwards' indiscretions.
Hillary & Bill Are Ready

Stay tuned because Hillary is not out of the fight.

I would agree. Hillary (& Bill) are like tigers just waiting for an opening to pounce. Obama better be careful...very careful. It's a dangerous jungle out there. Hillary's dream. Some incident X makes it look as if Obama could not compete with McCain. In comes Hillary to save the day. Of course she would be sorry that such a terrible thing happened...but.;)
Hillary may try something but this BS won't work. Obama was born in Hwaii which makes him a US citizen no matter what or who his parents are. Children born in the US to illegal aliens are still US citizens even if they have only been here a few minutes. This was something that Ron Paul wants to change and was part of his platform.

If whoever had written that story had bothered to read the first part of the law it applies to children born outside of the US to parents who are US citizens. :D
Hillary may try something but this BS won't work.

Agree. Not saying that Hillary will try on that front, just saying she will take any opening offered that would allow her to get back into the race.

It appears the citizenship issues does not have factual backing...probably a dead horse.
This claim has been debunked. Please read the article at the link provided by wacki.

Closed - as further discussion would be pointless.
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