Newfangled 30-06 ammo


New member
It's maddening to an old guy like me. One of the Big sports
Stores is cclosing so I bought a bunch of 30-06 ammo. Well every thing at 200 yards is perfect in my weatherby. However, some super something hornady 180 grain looked likea hand grenade going off exploded my target, boat sail some from federal punch through clean, some partition and bonded, same. My old Remington and winchesterrounds
All made a nnice exit hole.. I put some boards with carpet in between to test
One could go mad.. Well I think I will stick with my dad's rounds
I just don't want to chase anything, I shoot very well but after bypass surgery I don't want to have to look for anything and never have. Lol If I wanted moose or caribou sausage that hornady superformance something would be perfect. I bet it blows stuff in little pieces

Does anyone reload something that I can buy and be sure of for any big game. Like elk moose caribou.
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Winchester Supreme Silver Tip. And I am not a Winchester ammo fan by any means, but it is the most accurate through a Savage 111.
Hornady Superformance ammo used to be called 'Light Magnum'. Just hot loaded ammo. Sort of. It's less than 100 FPS faster than other like bullets.
The 180 grain SST runs at 2820 FPS MV. Uses basically the same bullet as a Nosler Ballistic Tip(2750 FPS. Same ballistics) and a Winchester Silver Tip(2750 FPS. Same ballistics).
Sight in 1.8" high at 100 to be on target at 200 and 7.6" low at 300. Drops like a brick past there. 21.9" low at 400. Lots of remaining energy though.
I have four boxes of the sst 180 grain, how do they work on game like elk
And thank you for your information
It's only been a few days since most of this board informed me the "ANY 180 GRAIN .30 CALL BULLET WAS GOOD TO GO ON ANYTHING UP TO MOOSE". Now there's a comment that some of the 180 grain .30 cal bullets EXPAND RAPIDLY. Seems to be some confusion here.
I've used both Nosler BT and Hornady SST and found both to expand fairly rapidly vs. other comparable bullets. Add the "Superformance" velocity bump and this tendency is extended.
Using "some boards with carpet in between to test" has little bearing on actual use on game as the boards are bound to expand the bullets faster than flesh.

"I have four boxes of the sst 180 grain, how do they work on game like elk"
With specific bullet placement, probably quite well. That bullet placed broadside into an elk's ribcage at 200-300 yards will most likely work pretty well. Even then, it may not give full penetration so the blood trail may not be terrific. A little bit either way and I wouldn't expect the same results.
My Son shot a 6x6 bull at about 150 yards quartering to in a downward angle with his 30/06. The bullet hit the top of the shoulder blade, 2 ribs about 4" to the right of the spine, both lungs, and exited the brisket leaving a 2" hole. Bull dropped and expired w/o getting up. Penetration: 8-10" of the heavy shoulder muscle/bone/ribs, 18" of lung tissue, and 3" of brisket(29-30" total). Bullet used- Winchester Black Talon 165 grain. On the other hand, I've seen a 165 Nosler BT of similar weight fail to exit a big buck deer after hitting the front shoulder on the way to the lungs.
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Point is well taken, I am just trying to understand new ammo if it is better than the old stuff. I know it is all shot placement and I am very confident in my ability at reasonable yards. I really don't take poor shots as it is not right. However if the sst 180 kills better in real life then I should use it as I have it. My gun at 200 yards is perfect on any of them with just some scope doping on the bench.
I don't shoot them, but I have seen a lot of Superformance ammo loaded with the SST bullets.

Personally I wouldn't use an SST, but if I did, I wouldn't use it on anything larger than a Texas Hillcountry White tail. It is rare to have one weigh more than 120 lbs. YMMV and just my opinion.

There are too many good bullets available to use on Elk sized game to take a chance, and the bullets are the last place you want to save some coins on with hunting ammo.
SST bullets are fast expanding regardless of the cartridge. They work well on smaller game like deer, or on larger game at long ranges after speed has slowed.

Common old school bullets expand reliably at "normal" ranges, but once you get much past 200-300 yards their poor aerodynamics causes them to slow down fast resulting in more bullet drop and poor expansion. SST's and many other bullets with plastic tips and very aerodynamic shapes might over expand at ranges under 100 yards. But they maintain speeds and hit harder beyond 200-300 yards and since they expand easily still do so way out there where many bullets act like FMJ.

Not all plastic tipped bullets do this. But SST's are probably the most extreme bullet for this, especially when combined with faster than normal speeds. The SST's would be a poor choice for close range hunting, but at moderate to long range are a good choice. I don't like them for hunting, because the odds are pretty good most shots will be under 200 yards. They are very accurate and reasonably priced, great for practice.

Nosler Ballistic tips have a similar bullet shape, but they hold up a little better. Nosler Accubonds appear to look just like Ballistic Tips, but are actually a tough bullet that resists expansion pretty well. Barnes solid copper bullets have a plastic tip, yet are probably the toughest bullet out there.

That is God's own truth. But I'd change it from "WAS" to "IS"

Having said that my go to elk round is a 150 gr. 270 Win. Its quite effective, but think I load my 150 gr 270 about the same velocity as I do my 180 gr '06, its hard to say the '06 wouldn't be as if not more effective.

I think there was a reason the Pre-64 Model 70 in 30-06 was chosen as the Alaskan State Rifle.
Stay away from the plastic tip stuff. Those plastic tips actually enhance the bullets collapsing quicker than just a HP point alone. There the worst bullet for big game if you intend on harvesting a deer {or whatever} for your dining enjoyment.