Newest Colt Gold Cup National Match Series 70


New member
Hi. I have an interest in these. Is there any reason not to get a new one as they are priced the same or less than many used ones? I hear they are excellent. I handled one today at the LGS and was quite impressed. Thanks.
I have a 10 year old NM Gold cup and it is simply outstanding.
Accurate, reliable, great trigger....all you need in a quality 1911.
I just purchased a new GCNM 38 super with money I have saved by not going anywhere or doing anything for weeks.

Wanted a GCNM 70 series for years. It's a lovely beauty; about as sexy as my last bride. I swore off Colt after they swore off the civilian AR market last year but I just couldn't help myself.

If this keeps up and another month of waiting goes by, I may just buy another new GCNM in 45 acp.
I have several Colt Gold Cups, ALL are fantastic guns...

Purchased a GCNM in 1979. Don't know how many 10s of thousands I've shot through it, still a wonderful gun...

About 20 years ago I purchased a 10mm GC. ANOTHER WONDERFUL GUN!!!

Maybe 10 years ago Springfield Armory offered a 1911 in 9X19mm. Picked that up also. Although NOT a Colt GC it is a match model with adjustable sights. Has become my favorite 9mm.

And then several weeks ago made the mistake of looking at Colts website!!! Could not resist ordering a GC Trophy in .38 Super...

Can't wait to shoot it...

Claiborne, If you're a reloader, that .38 Super you've just bought is one hellofa gun. Without going into some of the old IPSC 'way over max' loadings, I predict you'll find a load that'll, outperform 9mm 124 gr JHP's by over 100 fps. Unique and Win 231 or HP38 are good powders for that application.

Mine throws Winchester or Remington component bullets as well as Montana Gold's, as good as LSWC's from Missouri Bullet Co. Accuracy with tuned loads is down around 2" at 25 yds from a seated rest.

Mine, (a Combat Commander) that I've babied for 30+ years now, is outstandingly accurate with normal pressure high end loads...and especially with the 124 gr bullets, vs 115's.

Just a friendly tip: My Commander with Colt bbl's, is ~ 100% reliable with either 9mm or .38 Super barrels installed in the same slide. Too, if you buy only .38 Super magazines, they'll work with either .38 Super or 9mm rounds in place...getting you an add'l caliber with significantly less expensive ammunition for the price of the 9mm barrel. Shopping around may get you a deal, but while Colt bbl's are good, Barstow are significantly better but may take a bit of fitting for the link.

Switching bbl's in the same slide has been no problem as far as point of impact vs point of aim goes. Mine are within 2" at 25 yds. At combat distances out to 12-15 yds, it's hard to see a difference at any reasonable speed.

HTH's & good luck with your new piece! Rod
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I swore off Colt after they swore off the civilian AR market last year but I just couldn't help myself.

Claiborne---I think you're okay.

While the mass media gleefully posted headlines that Colt was abandoning the civilian AR market the CEO of Colt said they were doing it because the market was saturated and NOT because of some "virtue signaling" (like Dick's sporting goods did). He said they (Colt) remain committed to the 2nd Amendment.

I also read (somewhere) he said they would have no qualms about getting back into the civilian market again if they can show a profit.
"Claiborne---I think you're okay."

Thanks, I don't think my ex-wife would agree...…...:D

I've had 15, 1911's, near as I can remember, including Colt, SA, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Smith & Wesson....I didn't like 12 of them enough to keep.

Three Colt Government model, 70 series, are all I have now.

My new GCNM 38 Super is my favorite already. Can't wait to shoot it.
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I have a GCNM. It is my Bullseye gun. Great trigger, accurate. More than 80,000 rounds through it. I have never had an alibi in a match with that gun.
@rodfac, you have just made my decision making process more difficult by answering a question I was pondering:

If the goal is to shoot 1911 but with reduced recoil and noise, why 9mm? Why not just load .38 Super down? Is it some trouble with the twist rate of the barrel vs “low” velocity? I think your answer is “just load some 124 grains and shoot em.”

I’m just going to type this out because it helps me think...

1. It bothers me a little to no longer have a “proper” 1911 in .45acp. There are many reasons .45acp is desirable. One of them, for me, is exactly the BOOM, FLASH and PUSH of lighting it off, and the practice needed to overcome the psychological urge to pull the shot or flinch the shot. Loading light target loads, as I used to, it’s still a big bass BOOM and recoil is really more in the mind, but.. that’s real when shooting.

2. .38 Super (super auto, super .38) was always loaded “full tilt boogie hypervelocity” in the old days and the report could get downright un-neighborly and just plain “plugs under big can muffs” nasty. No need to go crazy major power factor loads for me, I was wondering how a nice old easy .38 subsonic load would shoot. Somehow in my mind .38 super is a “well, it’s not a ‘proper’ .45, but ya know... it has a rich history and a lot of competition guns were made along the way, I guess it’s okay...”

3. A .38 Super to 9mm swap is as easy as replacing the barrel and maybe tuning the ejector, often no need for that I have read. Other than having cheap ammo and all the kids are in to 9mm these days... and feeling sheepish about my pistol... sort of like showing up with an electric Ford Mustang... well... .38 super is cool since a set of dies costa about 2 boxes of ammo and lasts a lifetime...

4. Speaking of mall ninjas, it seems they are already getting tired of their 1911s in 9mm around here. I expect it’s because you can’t load half a box of ammo in to them and if you want to blaze away fast there are better platforms.

5. If I was going to go 9mm... maybe a CZ75 is better in my mind as it was built for that cartridge, has it’s own history, and their variants run at the top of the “shoot fast” games that are popular now. I’ve fever owned one... (but I don’t have the real itch to get a nice one, either) If I just wanted a 9mm to chuck in the pocket of my field jacket, it’s hard to beat a Glock 19 or one of it’s many honorable competitors.

Unfortunately, I think I know the solution to my conundrums... get a mid grade 1911 or steel frame pistol in a small caliber at a good price if it appears, get a plastic striker fired pistol from a kid who needs to get the next latest greatest thing, and get an heirloom grade 1911 in .45acp. In short, get them all because otherwise one ends up with a moped... not a good bike, not a good motorcycle.
.....the CEO of Colt said they were doing it because the market was saturated and NOT because of some "virtue signaling" (like Dick's sporting goods did). He said they (Colt) remain committed to the 2nd Amendment.

I also read (somewhere) he said they would have no qualms about getting back into the civilian market again if they can show a profit.

I have no doubt you read an article stating such, however, his statement is BS (if true). Colt has a name with the AR crowd and there are a ton of them that will not own ANYTHING but a Colt...they could sell them for twice as much and not be able to make enough of them. There are numerous manufactures building and selling AR's for WAY more than the gun is worth (IMHO) and they can't make them fast enough.
A man sees a kid selling lemonade on the sidewalk. “Lemonade... $20”
“Gee kid, you won’t sell much lemonade at that price!”
“Mister, I only need to sell one glass.”

The goal is to maximize profit, not make a lot of hardware.

I bought a couple of ar receivers about 20 years ago. I bought a bunch of parts from high end barrel and trigger components to used grips and stocks. With a $20 service tool, some pin punches and a little hammer I bolted them together. They both shot under an inch at 100 yards. Flawlessly. I could teach a bright 10 year old to do it, and our rifles would be better than any stock Colt. Parts is parts.

How can someone make money when there is nothing proprietary and no barrier to entry in to the market?

Who wants to commit an entire factory to a product that has a saturated source of product in customer’s hands... products that do not wear out, products that have a possibility of ending up being strongly regulated?

Look at Glock. “Glocks are great! They never ever fail! Sure they cost more than most other plastic pistols... no, don’t worry about the horrible trigger, we all drop in Apex aftermarket parts. Those sights.. of course we all drop in better sights.” So here is a product that costs more to begin with, then needs $250 more to get it running as well as... (fill in the top 3 competitors) and tell me... why don’t they crank out the Glock 19s? Why don’t they fix that trigger and put decent sights on it? They limit their market and maximize their profit. Most customers won’t pull that trigger more than 500 times in their life and most customers don’t know that pistols can do a lot better than hitting pizza pans at 7 yards.

Colt had some horrific quality problems with the civilian market not that long ago. From what I hear, the new stuff is worth a look again. They are sticking to what they can do well and make a profit at.

My question is... what will Glock do next. They have done well at the Caliber wars. I think they have shown they can’t make a .22 pistol any but collectors want, and their .380 tarnishes their reputation for reliability and they are starting to lose big government contracts.

I think people would buy an ugly plastic LEGO block looking carbine in 9mm from Glock. Just because they don’t make it is not a strike against them.
About that Gold Cup National Match. Mine arrived today. More beautiful than I expected. Put these Altamont's on. Dry firing the trigger on this one is INCREDIBLE, which is not something I have been able to say about most of my Colt 1911's out of the box. Can't wait for range day tomorrow!

Removed photos, they posted enormous.