Newbie with Winchester Model 52C

Hey guys newbie here. I was a NRA junior shooter more years ago than I care to admit and I have gotten the bug to shot again. My dad still has the Winchester Model 52C that I. Used to shot and is going to ship it to me. I can't wait to get it and start sending rounds through paper! I hope you guys can help me. I have no other equipment to start shooting 3P and 4P. I want to start with used and upgrade as I progress. Mainly I need a sling and maybe a jacket. I wear a size 44 L suit jacket. If anyone has anything they are not using I would put it to good use.

I also have a 12yo son that is chomping at the bit to shoot 3P or 4P with me and I want some recommendations on a good cheap target rifle that I can get for him. Just not sure of what to look at.

One other thing I am looking for is a thumbhole stock or my C. If anyone has a lead on one I would really like to hear it.

Thanks guys for any help.
Glad you and your son are getting into this gig again. It'll seem like more fun than it did years ago.

I hope you have some great luck on picking up used stuff- I didn't fare so well in the used dept here in my neck of the woods. It was out there, but it all seemed to be sized for either youths or a midget shooting league. May I suggest you scout around on this place?

A good start for your son in my humble little opinion might be the CZ 452 Military Trainer or the Scout line. The MT isn't a heavy rifle, but it's been holding it's own against the giant names in the industry.

Looks like you're a canadate for the CMP Forums. Best place to get information and they have a good for sale section for the equipment you're looking for.

The Firing Line is good, but the CMP is more along the lines with your venue.

Also check out their E-Store. Best place and prices for small bore shooting and the Bookstore for guides.

I'd highly recommend against changing your '52.

Hope the Mods don't shoot me for recommending another site/forum.
Most of the equipment you need will be available from Creedmore Sports(shooting jackets, spotting scopes, range books, range carts, etc, etc, etc).
Congrads on getting back on the line.
The Model 52 is a great rifle. I also have a C version. Be sure to use quality ammo. The cheap stuff is just not worth the effort.
Used equipment is around but sometimes new things are a better value. Particularly when you can pass them done to the young one. Another place to check for info is