Newbie with ?'s about M1 Carbine


New member
I'm new to M1 carbines (looking to buy my first one), and wanted to ask about one I was looking at. I'm told it's a WWII carbine that was re-imported after spending time in Korea, and that it's been refurbished (including restocking and reparkerizing). It's a Winchester receiver #6515XXX, with a ramp rear sight bearing a stamped H within a shield. It has a ? Type III ring with bayo lug and SA stamping. The barrel has "BLUE SKY / ARLINGTON, VA" stamped on the left side (?this is the reimport stamp?) and on the top is stamped with a W and also a W with an ? I superimposed within an oval. The bore looks pretty good to me. It has a round bolt and a flip safety. The stock is obviously new Mahogany, but does has a slight split behind the oiler slot. The finish is even, light gray parkerized. My dealer wants $475 for it. Is this a good deal for a semi-collectable? Any advice?

I realize I should invest in a good book on M1 carbines and I could probably answer some of this myself, but any wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi, Andrew,

The price is (I think) a tad high for a Blue Sky gun. They take a hit on price mainly because Blue Sky sometimes stamped the import marking so hard and deep. They also refinished most of their guns so the even Parkerizing may not be original. The adjustable sight with the H is correct for Winchester in that number range. Winchester type 3 bands with the bayonet lug were either not marked or marked with a C. Other Winchester parts, like the trigger housing, slide, and bolt should be marked with a W.

If it looks like mostly Winchester, it should be collectible in spite of the import marking (and the refinish?). I think it might be worth trying to find a Winchester stock and replace any non-W parts.


Jim, thanks for the information -- as always, the level of knowledge on this board amazes me. I'll check out those other parts (bolt & trigger assy.), and see if I can talk the price down a little. If nothing else, I think it would make a good shooter and serve to get me started with M1 carbines. Thanks!

I've purchased two Blue Sky re-import M-1 Carbines over the lastyear and they are both good guns. Both of them are bery good shooters and are in very good condition. However, snce they are re-imports with import stamp on them they really are not collectables.

I think $475 for a re-import is way too high. I've seen non re imports go for that price. I paid around $350 for each of mine and got them off the auction sites. If you go the auction route, you will have to go through an FFL holder to get the gun and you will probably have to pay from $25 to 10% of the cost, plus state tax to do it. Or you can get your C & R license from BATF and get the gun yourself.

I would probably pass on a $475 re-import carbine.

Just bought an IAI for 459$. Shot it yesterday for the first time.

Best group was 1 1/8" at 25 yards, from the bench. Typical 25 yd, seated, and 15 yd, offhand, shots were 1.5". I'm not a great shot, so I think that speaks well for the gun.

Spartacus shot a .5" 3-round group, at 15 yards, offhand. The shots were touching...

This is a *NEW* gun you may wish to consider.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I took another look at it today -- although the receiver & barrel are both Winchester, the slide was marked with a "*U*", and I could find no proof mark on the trigger assy or bolt. It seems tempting, because it is a nice looking piece, but seems like a bit much to pay for a 55 yr.-old shooter. I'll keep looking around. I'm definitely learning a lot -- thanks for all the info.

Anyone know a good place to find books about M1 Carbines online, esp. about collecting (like War Babies, etc.)? Thanks.