Newbie to this forum.

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Just found this forum by accident on a link to a thread you had going. Started reading the posts and enjoyed myself. Think I may stay a while if you don't mind too much :).

Intelligent discourse is always welcomed here! Happy reading.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Welcome to the group, we are a diverse bunch, with a couple of prior non-gun people that are converts. Anyway, enjoy, learn and help educate.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Welcome to TFL. New perspectives are actively encouraged. Folks here are friendly and knowledgeable, fair sense of humor abounds, & we hope you'll participate and enjoy.
Best regards, M2
always nice to have someone news ideas and opinions welocme

Welcome Indeed...

Ah - You seem familiar some how... Do I know you, Sir?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I am new ( about two weeks) memeber of Firing Line and I believe it is the best discussion group on the Internet. I tried different sites, and I got most informative and objective answers on my questions on TheFiringLine.

Thanks ereryone for the help!


[This message has been edited by zentao (edited October 13, 1999).]
Welcome aboard Sir, join the group.

I am sure another intellectual will contribute to my knowledge.

Look forward to have one, to disagree and agree with my lowly topic contributions to TFL.

Thanks to all for the welcome, I am glad to be here.


Yes I am of German heritage (Ya, ish bin eine Deutsch) and lived there for 4 1/2 years.


You may know me, I've kicked around many of the more "surival" oriented news groups and forums for a few years.

and finally HS (with his "loaded" question :) )

I have always been a big M1911 fan and probably always will be but...

(ok, everybody sit down and don't drink anything while reading the next line, wouldn't want anyone to choke or blow coffee through their nose)

I purchased two Bulgarian Makarovs about 8 months ago and have found them to be the most accurate, reliable out of the box shooters I have personally ever owned. Due to the design of the holster, I tend to grab one on the way out the door much more frequently than anything else I have had as well. I will never get rid of the 1911's but the Maks are sure fun to have.

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