Newbie to Hunting....need information!


New member
Hi. I have never hunted in my life, but I want to, but I have a few questions (and issues).

1) I live in Hawaii (Oahu). There's pretty much nothing to kill here but mongoose and wild boars. Gotta be crazy to eat either too because of the lepto spirosis and parasites they have.
2) Ethics. While some or many may disagree with me, I would feel uncomfortable killing an unarmed, innocent animal just for "Fun" (unless it was armed with a gun too and had human intelligence). I get a kick out of hunting people down in airsoft and paintball though ;)
I would feel comfortable about killing an animal for food, though (or if they are dangerous to others) I would either learn how to properly prepare the meat, or give the meat away to families I know locally who know how to make use of the animal.
3) Questions about firearms. I've seen muzzle loading "muskets" used as well as slingshot pistols that shoot ball bearing. Where and when do you use such exotic weapons? I thought black powder muzzle loaders were a thing of the past until I read about them being used in hunting. What advantages do these weapons have over the revolvers and semiauto I was planning on buying when it comes to "the hunt?"

Black powder hunting got started in order to take advantage of the special seasons that were instituted when the deer population began growing beyond what rifle hunters could kill. There's no advantage; it's a handicap by comparison. Like anything that's challenging and fun and rewarding, it's grown.

Feral hogs are immensely destructive of croplands. They darned near breed like rats, with two to three litters per year, and six to nine piglets per litter. They are excellent eating, particularly the smaller hogs in the 40- to 100-pound range of sizes. While there is a minor concern as to trichynosis, that's easily taken care of by thorough cooking. All pork is best cooked to near-well-done.

Hogs have very poor eyesight, so if you work with the wind from in front of you, it's not difficult to ease along and get fairly close. Hogs rely mostly on the ability to hear and smell any danger. Sitting on a hillside and watching open areas where hogs are known to roam can be productive. The best time, generally, is early morning arund daylight, or late evening near sunset. Mid-day, walking/stalking, p;laying "sneaky snake" in wooded areas is good.

While there are many rifle/cartridge combinations which work sell, a bolt action in .308 with a lower-powered scope makes a good package. Practice ammo is relatively inexpensive, and knowing your rifle is indeed a Good Thing.


I've seen muzzle loading "muskets" used as well as slingshot pistols that shoot ball bearing.

I dont know what type of sling shots thouse are but I would suggest you dont think about using them. :) It wouldnt be enough to kill a hog. Same reason I wouldnt use a pellet gun for them ;)

Use enough gun and what Art said was good advice for you to fallow ;)

Just a thought here, and I am not trying to talk you out of hunting. That choice should be yours and yours alone. If you want to experience the challenge of hunting, but aren't comfortable with the kill, consider wildlife photography. All of the same elements are there except for the kill, and the skills needed equal, if not exceed, those needed for hunting. The very best photographers don't use long lenses, and their stalking skills are every bit as good as those that expert bow hunters have, which are usually light years above those of long gun hunters.
Thank you for the replies, and all four of yours, Charlie :D

All good advice across the board. I'm too young to own a cartridge firearm though (law is 21+ in Hawaii, yet I was still allowed to shoot my 9mms at my NRA pistol class....). I am looking to pick up a Dragoon pistol in .44 soon.

Wildlife photography sounds interesting, but again, the main "wildlife" we have on Oahu here aren't deer or bears; we don't even have wild squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs, etc. We have wild boars with tusks, and it's unwise to approach one unarmed because there have been multiple incidents where kids were playing around in the forest and got impaled/mauled. I guess I'd have my camera in one hand, .44 in the other if I were to get into wildlife photography in hawaii. :D

I understand that you only have feral goats and feral pigs to hunt on Oahu, but there are sheep, blacktailed deer, and axis deer on the other nearby islands. Maybe until you get more money saved, for a trip to one of the other islands, for deer etc, you could invest in a nice shotgun.

Isn't it true that there are 7 different species of game birds on Oahu? Go after some of the pheasant, dove(2 types), francolin(3 different partridges), and quail that you have on Oahu. I think that there are turkey in the islands too, not sure which one(s).

All of the game birds are challenging to hunt and as a benefit are great to eat.:)