Model 140
The Model 140 Ranger was only produced for a short time and quickly replaced by the 1400 Ranger. I used to have one, bought it K-Mart about 15 years ago I think, can't remember the year for sure. At that time it was on clearance for about $125. Never shot it very much, switching over to it, it just didn't "feel" right to me after using the same shotgun for 20 years. Had a couple of problems with it, first the ejector (look through the port, the flat spring thing screwed to the inside opposite side) came loose and retracted with the bolt locking everything up real good. Then, a couple years later I was going to sell it to a buddy since I never shot it. We took it out and ran a few boxes of shells through it shooting rocks, and he was smokin everything, so he was more than willing to take it. A week later, on the opening day of pheasant season when he went to load it up, it slamfired when he hit the bolt release. Luckily he only had it pointed at his pickup box and not at one of the guys. Upon some further very careful attempts to load it, and anylize the problem, it was impossible to chamber a round without it firing. Sent it to Winchester and they sent me a new 1400 Ranger. Still have that, use it sometimes, but it still don't "feel" right compared to my old High Standard.
Around here used 1400 Rangers go for $150-$175.