Newbie question about powder "sizes"


New member
Can anyone tell me more about the "F" sizing of blackpowder & substitutes?
I have been shooting a BP revolver with 25 grains of FFFg for a year or so and now I am ready to try with a rifle. While reading my manual I read that "FFg" was recommended for rifles (50 cal)
Can anyone shed a little more light on this for me?
Thanks from a Newbie,
It's pretty simple, really. Particle size influences how fast the powder burns; the smaller, the faster. Larger calibers and longer barrels work better with a powder that burns more slowly, so you want to use a larger-grained powder there.

With smokeless powder, you can change the burn rate by varying the composition, changing the grain shape, and varying the grain size. With black powder it's pretty much vary the grain size or nothing.

I'd say you should use what the manufacturer recommends. But if I remember correctly, people use 3fg up to about .45 cal, and 2fg at .45 and above. At .44 or .45 or so itself, you'd use 3fg in a short-barreled piece like a revolver and 2fg in a rifle length barrel.
Thanks for the info Hafoc.
I already planned on following the reccomendations, just wanted to better understand them.
Jeep,FFG is recommended for .50 cal and up. FFFG is recommended for under .50 cal. However 3F can be used in both if you reduce the loads as stated below.

FG is for cannons.1F
the FFG is for rifles and shotguns.2F
FFFG is for pistols. You can use 3F in rifles with reduced loads @ about 15% reduction.
FFFFG is for priming flintlocks.4F Lots of folks prime with 3F if that's what they're using to load with. Saves carrying 2 powders and 2 powder horns.
It's a designation as to the granule size of the powder.
NEVER us smokeless powder in a black powder gun.
It will blow up in your face!!!!!!
Stay with recommended loads.
Experiment with powder charges,and patch and ball combos until you find one your gun groups well with.
Example,my .54 GPR likes a 85Gr. FFG charge under a .530" ball with a .015" patch. If I use a .010" patch it won't group well.If I use a .020" patch it shoots all over. If I use a .535" ball it shoots all over.
It's fun experimenting!!!!
Best to experiment at 25-50 yards till you get it happy.
Then you can increase the distance.
Some folks have target loads and hunting loads. If you're going to shoot my GPR over 50 yds. you'll have to go up to 100gr.FFG and it'll hit center just fine.