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Newbie ?? On the verification question

I understand the reason for the verification, to prevent spammers. But someone has their data "off kilter" as my verification question was: "Name the Company who mfg.'d Agent Orange--and Roundup-- I don't know from Shinola about Roundup, but as I was a SOG team member (from 5th SF/Airborne) in Vietnam, I know that the orange cannisters we saw came from Dow Chemical Corporation in Michigan. I twice entered Dow Chemical and was refused, due to incorrect intel I guess.

Thankfully you good folks have a plan B- the next try was a math question, Basic Algebra 1010 and I "aced" that puppy.

The Agent Orange reminds me of a WW2 Bill Mauldin cartoon caption, in the Pacific Theatre- as prior to Pearl Harbor we had sold scrap metal to Japan- Two Gunners Mates on a ship are manning their guns as the Zeros attach- one says to the other- "I think that last shell came from the fender of a 1926Chevy"--

We lost more personnel to a product made in the USA than did the NVA. No wonder War is Hell!!

I have a suggestion for a future question- a two-parter, and like AO, also comes from the Vietnam Era-- No. 1-- Name the USA company/contractor that made the greatest number of M-60 MG's used in Vietnam-- No. 2- name the weapon upon which its design was based and Country of origin. I had two uncles who were in the 82nd. Airborne and we involved with the D-day operations. Both made it back, many didn't!!
Okay, I'll bite: What verification question?

What are you talking about? Forum registration? (just a wild guess)
Yes, that is one of the "human verification" questions. I didn't know we were even asking questions like that. Gottleib Schwartz is correct that Dow was one of the manufacturers of Agent Orange, and there have been many different manufacturers of DDT. But, there has only been one manufacturer of Roundup. The hint to Google the various chemicals would have yielded the correct answer. Even so, the question is too ambiguous to be a legitimate question - I have eliminated it from the possible questions asked.

I also corrected one of the other questions - George Bush was not a "Jr.".

And this is a Tech Support type of question so let's move it there.