Newbie hunting question

Futo Inu

New member
OK, I joined the gun club and met a guy there that likes to take hunting newbies feral pig hunting. He uses a .44 Mag revolver and gives newbies a .30-30. Sounds fun and good eatin I 'magine. So can one hunt these year-round - are they exempt from regulation? Would an SKS be adequate (.30-30s can be loaded to 170 gr, but SKS only about 125)? Should I even try shooting at a 300 lb hog with a 10mm Glock?
I lived in the panhandle of TX for a few years and did some feral hog hunting in the Childress area. Great fun slipping around through the mesquite brush chasing them pigs. I shot a few with a old model 94 30-30. Haven't shot em with anything smaller so I can't help you there. Anything under 175 lbs. is the best eating, and they are suprisingly good eating. Great for chili meat.

There was no season on them and they were considered a pest. They tear up farm ground and go anywhere they please. Like most non-game animals the was no limit. Back in those days most landowners would let you in just so they could get them thinned out a bit. Now I think most charge for the privilage. A friend of mine is lining up a hunt to TX where they get something in the line of $300 a hog. Too rich for my blood. If you have someone willing to take you, I'd go. Enjoy.

I'll bet Art has some hog hunting experiences to tell. Maybe he can line you out on how light of caliber you could get away with.

bullet placement is gun control

[This message has been edited by muleshoe (edited February 21, 2000).]
Big Dog,

Most states rate feral hogs as pests and have no season, but they usually do specify "legal methods of taking", i.e., what weapons are legal to hunt them with.

Here in GA, they can be hunted year 'round, but a license is required.

Minimums: <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>shotgun .20 ga or larger with slugs or buckshot <LI>rifle .22 or larger centerfire with expanding bullets <LI>front end loaders .44 cal or larger, no muzzle loading pistols <LI>handguns any producing in excess of 500 ft/lbs energy at 100 yds</UL>

As to minimum cartridge, since I don't like to drag, clean or eat any hog over about 120-150 pounds, I think a 7.62x39 is fine. I have used .30-30 and my favorite is a full length .30-30 necked up to take a .358. I have a friend that takes a .223. On down in the summer time we take .357s and .44 mags.

But a 300 pounder? EeeeeYiiieeee! Older and bigger ... smarter! I'm reminded of the famous line in Jaws, "... we need a bigger boat!" Maybe .30-30 minimum in rifle? .44 mag in handgun?

I like it to eat much better than venison. Night time is the MOST fun! If you haven't done it and someone is offering to take you, do it!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited February 21, 2000).]
Feral hogs are fun! 30 or 40 pound shoats on up to around 100 or so are excellent, yummy-tasty groceries.

The 300-lb and up (Yes, UP!) aren't all that tough-eating, actually. What it is, is, they can be real bad-tempered. Mean. Ornery. Particularly if they have a little Russian mixed in.

Aside from mean, who wants to get run over by anything weighing over 300 pounds? I don't want to play in the NFL, for that matter.

For the smaller, "eatin'-size", a .357 or .44 Mag is fine; an AK with soft-points, or a thutty-thutty is plenty good.

Unless you're a good sneaky-snake, whatever you use should be something you're familiar with. Skilled in getting off a quick shot, and not disturbed by shooting at a running target. If you're sneaky, working the wind; or sitting in a stand, it's less of an issue.

I've taken a few shoats in thick timber and swamp country; I was "under instructions" to not shoot sows or the bigger boars.

They can't see worth a darn, comparatively, but their noses and ears work real well. Use the wind. (Just like walking up deer.)

But if you have a guy who likes to teach and guide, jump on the deal!

:), Art