Newbie basic carry questions


Looking for clarification of some basic carry
criteria for non-CCW holders,

It seems very dificut to get from home to
my place of business with a handgun legaly
and without advertising same to neighbors.

Also need to return a piston to manufacturer.
Is carrying the wrapped package to UPS a

Hope this is interesting to some experts.
I've shipped many a piston and carried em right into the post office (seriously) :). Sorry, there are many experts here, but laws are often relative to your location. Let em know where you live and you'll get good help.
There should be no problem in taking a pistol to UPS if it is securely wrapped, but can you used another service? USPS is a no-no on handguns.

As to carrying on your person from/to your place of business, in states with carry restrictions, that is usually not legal. It may be legal to carry in the car trunk if taking it from a parking place to the place of business does not involve a public street or sidewalk.

Actually, if your carry is going to alarm the neighbors, you are doing something wrong, or carrying something much too big.

picking the nit on purpose-- does your term
"securly wrapped" create a non conceiled condition. ie: can the package be carried on
or under the seat of the car? If so, what constitutes a "package"? would a locked box
be adequite. (really do need a spell checker)

BTW- the use of "alarm" was an overstatement.
I just ment that I would like my transport
to remain my business alone.

I guess what I'm looking for are ways to transport as opposed to "carry" firearms
privatly. Not available for use. I wonder
how most everyone handles just going to the range. I'm probably overly concerned about
details but I do like to obey the laws.

I don't know about North Carolina. But here in Texas, you can transport in your vehicle as long as the weapon and ammo are in separate, locked compartments, and then, it has to be when your traveling (the law is really vague as what traveling means) or, going straight to, or coming straight from the range. By locked compartment, it means it cannot be around or about the person (i.e. glove box, or anywhere near where there is easy access by the driver), so that means the trunk. Pretty much S**T out of luck if you really need your handgun in a hurry!
So I would still get a CHL, even if you're not going to pack all the time, at least you would not be braking the law when you are transporting your piece from home to work, etc.
That's another advantage of having a CHL!
Here's a good link that has state by state CHL laws:

Happy Trails!
This is a good question. I've wondered the same myself. Seems like everyone you talk to has a different interpretation of what is legal for firearm transportation. I've even heard conflicting advice from LEO's. I live in Ohio where the is no CCW. So how do I get my gun and ammo to the range? Where can I find out what is really legal?
Right now I've just been carrying the pistol in a locked box, with a trigger lock, in the trunk. And a range bag with mags and ammo also in the trunk. According to some having the ammo and firearm in the same compartment of a vehicle would be illegal. But I don't want someone seeing the range bag in the seat , and I figure I would get the benefit of the dooubt considering two locks on the weapon.
Any advice??

"My idea of gun control is a firm grip."

The above link I posted is for CHW laws, however, for questions like transportation, etc. in your state, go to the NRA site, or check with your state's DPS.

Thanks Cowboy, that link you gave was good enough... just wanted to see what exactly the law said.
Thanks again,

"My idea of gun control is a firm grip"
I live in NC too. You are allowed to carry a handgun in your vehicle as long as it is ..."in plain sight." It can even be loaded but it must be plainly visible e.g. on the seat next to you, on the dashbaord, etc. It also can be transported concealed but it must be concealed without being easily accesible. Having it locked in your trunk would be ok, under your seat would not. You should look into getting a CCW permit and then you could carry it on your person. It's a little bit of a hassle to get one but not that bad. When you apply for a permit to buy a handgun, the sheriff's dept. gives you a copy of the carry rules. You could get it from them or try this sight:
By the way, are you a chess player? Your handle is the name of a former world chess champion. Just curious! Hope this helps.
double a:-enjoyed the game many yrs ago but cannot claim "player" today ;)

I'm very pleased and grateful for the response to my questions! This is one of the finest forums I've found. I hope some others continue to beat this horse though.

I Don't live in Ohio, I'm accually a little north of you in Ontario. I'm sure most of you have heard how restrictive our laws are compared to yours (not by this guys choice BTW) but your description with two locks and ammo sperate in the trunk is exactly how we must do it up here. (one execption, the ammo can be locked in the box with the gun)

Be Safe, Be Trained

Life is's alot tougher if you don't know how to shoot.
I always thought the Post Office was a no-no, until today. Our Postmaster gave me a little form to fill out and it turns out a consumer can mail a handgun to the manufacturer for repairs or an FFL holder can mail to an FFL holder for less than one fourth the price UPS charges.