Newbie Alert!


New member
Hello everyone here at TFL. I'm new to this board and would just like to introduce myself. It looks like there is alot of experience here. Just by glancing through some posts, it looks like we even have a legend in the firearms industry here. I'm looking forward to posting!
Hi Drew - welcome!

Actually we have a long list of distinguished members. There is a previous thread on this - just use the search feature.

Have fun!


Vote Democratic! 1 Billion Chinese can't be wrong......
Welcome, Drew. We saved a spot for you! Pull up a chair and set a while. ;)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 16, 1999).]

Welcome...hope you enjoy your stay here. It's always a pleasure to meet new members.

BTW, are you the same Drew that is very active on

Howdy, Drew. We are ALL legends in our own minds. ;)
Welcome to our little group, learn and help us learn also.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Welcome, Drew. You won't find a better bunch of folks.

(Kimber Man - I think you invited Drew to hit you with a frying pan! ;) :D )

Everyday I see the number of members increasing, lets keep it up, and lets all register to vote in the next election. That's where we can make a difference. 2000+ members can swing an election, keep a list of your contacts and who lives near you and you can make a United voice for the RKBA!

As to the legend in our own mind thing.... Truer words have ne'r been spoken. You will frequently hear about most amazing shots, 308 yard squirrels with a .22 and shooting the "O" out of a coke can at over 200 yards. Look forward to hearing from you and learning from what you have to offer.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Hello Drew, Unfortunately,Clinton has just signed an Executive Order placing a moratorium on any more members joining TFL. So if you come back after the first of the year, after it expires, we'll try to sneak you in the back door before he notices you. Until then, feel free to only lurk.

We wouldn't want him to "Reno" this board now would we.
Welcome Drew: I think you will find this group a fine bunch of fellows I can't think of a group I would rather belong to. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
G'day Mate

You'll love TFL -- these people took me in, welcomed me (even though I'm a damn "furriner" ;)) and gave me support when I most needed it. Damnitall, they're my friends!

I'm sure they'll be yours, too.

"Waiter! Give these fine people a round of cyber drinks on me. Put it on my Sears card!" Wow! This is a great board! Thanks to all who took the time to reply. :)

By the way...what qualifies someone as being a "senior member" opposed to a "member"?

Gizmo - I tried to use the search to find more about some of our distinguished members, but didn't come up with the right thread. I'm sure I'll find out more as I go along.

Mike - No, I'm not the same Drew that is from He does have a great name though! ;)