new york reload guns?


New member
on Kojak... Det. Crocker wears a second gun in a clip on IWB SOB or at 3 o'clock. later shows he has it in a shoulder rig opposite of his issued .38 spl snub. anyone know what he carried as a second gun?
Always liked that show, along with NYPD with Jack Warden and Frank Converse -all those old revolver guy shows were pretty cool
Did they carry Colt DS or S&W CS?
Whatever they carry, it beats what this revolver is getting loaded, yes loaded, with in the intro of the original Hawaii Five-O!


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A 'New York reload' = 'The fastest reload is always a second gun.'

'Course, the 'NY reload' as a carry method is not limited to New York or to New York cops.

I remember once seeing a Miami-Dade County (Fla) vice detective toting a huge ol' 10mm shiny-something in a shoulder holster, and an Officers Model 1911 in an ankle holster.

I'm okay with a 2-gun set up; I'm just not a fan of parachute pants.
the best I can guess is that its a walther ppk. I say that because of the era and what would have been a quality and available gun.
Kojak was TV. Nothing on TV is real. Especially when Savalas(Kojak) would shoot a 2" .38 Special revolver from the ground at a guy on the second or third floor of a building and hit him. Every time.
"...Kojak had the lollipop..." As I recall, the story line was it kept him from smoking.
"...a huge ol' 10mm shiny-something..." Bren Ten. There was nothing else in those days.
Piranha451 said:
Whatever they carry, it beats what this revolver is getting loaded, yes loaded, with in the intro of the original Hawaii Five-O!
Those were the then-new, experimental, multi-use primers--they were supposed to be good for 5 shots each, but in field trials they weren't reliable for more than three shots so they never made it into full commercial production.
I remember once seeing a Miami-Dade County (Fla) vice detective toting a huge ol' 10mm shiny-something in a shoulder holster, and an Officers Model 1911 in an ankle holster.
For real, or are you talking the TV show Miami Vice. In which Sonny Crocket carried a Bren 10 for seasons 1 & 2. Then switched to a S&W 645 during season 3.
If you talking real life, maybe the officer was copying his favorite TV actor, and show.